
IAH 2021 Brazil Congress

The year 2020 has been marked by big challenges. It is time to strengthen partnerships, increase ties and above all to remain firm within our purposes.
The 2021 World Groundwater Congress has already started and will be carried out in two phases:

  • From September 21st 2020 until August 20th 2021: 100% online event.
    During this period a series of meetings, lives, webinars and discussions will also be promoted, addressing relevant and innovative themes presented by industry references.
  • From August 22nd until August 27th 2021: 47th IAH Congressat Espaço Arca in São Paulo, Brazil - HYBRID Event (online and on-site)

The adequacy of the date for the event aims to bring all those involved, authors, congressmen, exhibitors, sponsors, suppliers and other partners, greater security and tranquility regarding their participation, since the future scenario is positive for the control of the pandemic and emergence of vaccines.

Our groundbreaking 2021 Groundwater World Congress gathered three large water groups, International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH), Latin American Groundwater Association (ALHSUD) and Brazilian Groundwater Association (ABAS), and its events, 47th IAH Brazil Congress, XV Latin American Congress of Hydrogeology, XXI Brazilian Congress of Groundwater, XXII National Meeting of Well Drillers and National Water Fair, aims to create and engage the largest groundwater community in the world, all user sectors, products and services demonstration, in addition to promoting knowledge and networking.

Regarding the deadlines related to the submission of papers and applications,
follows the new schedule:
Abstract Submission deadline: February 28, 2021
Abstract Acceptance: April 30, 2021
Registration, End of Early Bird: May 31, 2021

Document Actions

published on 2020/09/11 09:50:33 GMT+2 last modified 2020-09-11T09:50:33+02:00