Newsletter 07 October 2018
Laura Forsström – AKA
Maja Kolar – Mineco
2018 Water JPI workshop on Existing Impact Assessment Systems
The JPIs, Water JPI among them, were set up to increase the efficiency of national research and innovation investments by enhancing and improving cross-border collaboration, coordination and integration of national activities.
The JPIs, Water JPI among them, were set up to increase the efficiency of national research and innovation investments by enhancing and improving cross-border collaboration, coordination and integration of national activities. This is a long-term ...
The JPIs, Water JPI among them, were set up to increase the efficiency of national research and innovation investments by enhancing and improving cross-border collaboration, coordination and integration of national activities. This is a long-term process, with strategic and system-wide objectives intended to change the European R&I policy and funding landscape in selected knowledge areas, to better tackle grand societal challenges. Impact assessment has been implemented as a way to verify the existence of problems, identify the underlying causes, assess the actions needed and analyse the advantages and disadvantages of available solutions. The JPIs present a special challenge for the programme impact assessment, as they are more complex and ambitious than other national or bilateral programmes.
To progress this work, the 2018 Water JPI Workshop on Existing Impact Assessment Systems was organised by the State Research Agency (Spain), in Vienna, Austria, on 18 September 2018. The purpose of the Workshop was to better orient the implementation of the impact assessment system of the Water JPI and to progress the definition of specific aspects of the assessment (e.g. dimensions, activities to be evaluated, the indicators).
The organization of a series of workshops and meetings planned under different Water JPI supporting projects (the instruments ERA-nEt Cofunds WaterWorks2014, WaterWorks2015 and WaterWorks2017, and Coordination and Support Action - CSA IC4WATER) will contribute to better understanding of the impact assessment and its methodology on different levels (from specific activities to transnational collaboration programmes), ensure wide involvement of countries across the Water JPI, as well as provide the continuity of this activity beyond the duration of a single instrument.
The 2018 Water JPI Workshop on Existing Impact Assessment Systems, was organized under the CSA IC4WATER in support of the Water JPI. The Workshop report is currently being prepared and will be published soon on the Water JPI website.
2018 Water JPI Workshop on Strategy for International Cooperation
The Water JPI, as part of its supporting EU-funded Coordination Support Action IC4Water, is looking at opportunities to develop a common strategy for international cooperation. To progress this work, a workshop was held in Vienna on 19 September 2018.
The Water JPI, as part of its supporting EU-funded Coordination Support Action IC4Water, is looking at opportunities to develop a common strategy for international cooperation. To progress this work, a workshop was held in Vienna on 19 September ...
The Water JPI, as part of its supporting EU-funded Coordination Support Action IC4Water, is looking at opportunities to develop a common strategy for international cooperation. To progress this work, a workshop was held in Vienna on 19 September 2018. This workshop was targeted at other international initiatives, policy-makers and relevant stakeholders to discuss the current state of play of international cooperation, exchange views and share experiences to identify common barriers and practices and find possible solutions.
A survey undertaken in April 2018 by the Irish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on the current state of play of international cooperation among relevant EU initiatives informed the discussions of this first workshop.
the outcomes of the workshop and the findings of the survey mentioned above will inform a second workshop which will take place in 2019 and targets the research community engaging in
the Joint Actions implemented by the initiatives involved in international cooperation. More information on the Water JPI website.
Water JPI Advisory Board Meeting
The first meeting of the new Advisory Board members of the Water JPI, after the integration of 5 Scientific Board members and the enlargement of the Stakeholders Advisory Group to 4 International institutions (FAO, gWRC, OECD, Un Water) took took place in Dublin on 25 September 2018.
The first meeting of the new Advisory Board members of the Water JPI, after the integration of 5 Scientific Board members and the enlargement of the Stakeholders Advisory Group to 4 International institutions (FAO, GWRC, OECD, Un Water) took took ...
The first meeting of the new Advisory Board members of the Water JPI, after the integration of 5 Scientific Board members and the enlargement of the Stakeholders Advisory Group to 4 International institutions (FAO, GWRC, OECD, Un Water) took took place in Dublin on 25 September 2018. The agenda included a presentation of the JPI activities and recent progress - Advisory Boards rules and upcoming work programme - Follow-up on proposals of hot Topics to consider in the revision of the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda - Preparation of the future European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation - and discussions around criteria for developing the International Cooperation of the Water JPI.
JPIS Joint Declaration Presented at Austrian Presidency Conference
As part of the development the future Horizon Europe, the role of Joint Programming Initiatives (JPI) is under discussion. Based on the experiences of the 10 JPIs and their recently presented long-term visions and strategies, the conference focused on their role and contribution to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and implement mission-oriented programmes in horizon Europe.
As part of the development the future Horizon Europe, the role of Joint Programming Initiatives (JPI) is under discussion.
Based on the experiences of the 10 JPIs and their recently presented long-term visions and strategies, the conference focused ...
As part of the development the future Horizon Europe, the role of Joint Programming Initiatives (JPI) is under discussion.
Based on the experiences of the 10 JPIs and their recently presented long-term visions and strategies, the conference focused on their role and contribution to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and implement mission-oriented programmes in horizon Europe.
Discussions centered around the importance of science-policy cooperation to tackle global challenges and achieve Sustainable Development goals.
JPIs shared experiences, presented some examples of their multiple achievements, and discussed with the audience the future role of JPIs in the ERA and Horizon Europe. It became obvious that the 10 JPIs are well in line with their aim to structure the European Research Area (ERA) and already implement several of the requirements currently being discussed for the future missions in Horizon Europe.
During the conference the ten JPIs presented a joint JPI Chairs declaration “Driving research and innovation to address global challenges”, summarising their views and ambitions for their future development and impact.
the declaration was officially handed over to the Chair of the High Level group for Joint Programming (GPC), emphasising once again the importance of the commitment by member States as well as the support by the Framework Programme.
Three JPIS are exploring options to support research on risks of pollutants and pathogens in water resources on (human) health and the envirnment
Via the Societal Challenge 5 (Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials) Work Work Programme 2018-2019, the European Commission (EC) invites proposals for an ERA-nEt cofund which targets “Risks posed to human health and the environment by pollutants and pathogens present in water resources”.
Via the Societal Challenge 5 (Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials) Work Work Programme 2018-2019, the European Commission (EC) invites proposals for an ERA-nEt cofund which targets “Risks posed to human health and the ...
Via the Societal Challenge 5 (Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials) Work Work Programme 2018-2019, the European Commission (EC) invites proposals for an ERA-nEt cofund which targets “Risks posed to human health and the environment by pollutants and pathogens present in water resources”. The EC invites action that will support delivery on the priorities identified in the Strategic Research and Innovation Agendas (SRIAs) of the Joint Programming Initiatives (JPIs) on Water, Anti-Microbial Resistance (JPIAMR), and healthy and Productive Seas and oceans (JPI Oceans). In particular the thematic areas ‘Developing Safe Water Systems for Citizens’ of the Water JPI SRIA (specifically the subtheme ‘Understanding and predicting the environmental behaviour and effects of by-products, pollutants and pathogens, including their environmental effects’), and ‘Interdisciplinary Research for Good Environmental Status’ of the JPI Oceans SRIA will be addressed. The Water JPI, the JPI on Antimicrobial Resistance (JPI AMR) and the JPI oceans are exploring options for answering this call from the EC.
Water JPI 2018 Conference, Helsinki on 6-7 June 2018
Some presentations of the conference “Emerging pollutants in freshwater ecosystems” are now available here.
Some presentations of the conference “Emerging pollutants in freshwater ecosystems” are now available here.
Some presentations of the conference “Emerging pollutants in freshwater ecosystems” are now available here.
Water JPI activities presented at EU delegation event in Egypt
The EU delegation in Egypt organised a “Climate Diplomacy Week” 24-28 September 2018, aimed at highlighting, at international level, climate change objectives, while stressing the links with other sustainable development objectives.
The EU delegation in Egypt organised a “Climate Diplomacy Week” 24-28 September 2018, aimed at highlighting, at international level, climate change objectives, while stressing the links with other sustainable development objectives.
As the ...
The EU delegation in Egypt organised a “Climate Diplomacy Week” 24-28 September 2018, aimed at highlighting, at international level, climate change objectives, while stressing the links with other sustainable development objectives.
As the initiative aimed at promoting the EU and Member States action in this field and the existing cooperation with Egypt, the Academy of Scientific Research and technology of Egypt, which is associated to Water JPI activities since 2015, presented the Water JPI activities and in particular the Joint Transnational Calls.
European list of strategic research infrastructures expands into new areas
The ESFRI infrastructures are funded through European Member States and the European Commission H2020 programme and aim to foster broader coordination at national and European levels.
The ESFRI infrastructures are funded through European Member States and the European Commission H2020 programme and aim to foster broader coordination at national and European levels. ESFRI also supports structuring the European Research Area (ERA) ...
The ESFRI infrastructures are funded through European Member States and the European Commission H2020 programme and aim to foster broader coordination at national and European levels. ESFRI also supports structuring the European Research Area (ERA) through its interconnections with other programmes and initiatives, and in this respect refers to the importance of strengthening links with relevant Joint Programming Initiatives. Biotechnology, food and nutrition, material testing, holocaust and natural environment are among the topics covered by the six new pan-European research infrastructure projects that were announced as part of the 2018 ESFRI roadmap which was presented during a conference hosted by the Austrian EU Presidency in Vienna.
The 2018 roadmap now consists of 18 ‘ESFRI Projects’, which are new initiatives in development phase requiring around €2.9 billion of investments in the coming years, and 37 ‘ESFRI Landmarks’, identifying key research infrastructures that are being implemented or have been completed, representing an overall capital value of around €14.4 billion.
In the environment area we find eLtER: An infrastructure integrating ecosystem research sites across Europe (coordinated by Germany) of major interest for the Water JPI activities.
Policy brief: the potential of the wastewater sector in the energy transition
Today, European wastewater treatment plants consume the equivalent of more than two power plants’ worth of energy every year as well as a considerable portion – about a fifth- of municipalities’ electricity bills. the costs incurred by society equate to approximately €2 billion a year. nonetheless, these plants could be producing up to twelve power plants’ worth of efficient, renewable, flexible energy to contribute towards a low-carbon, circular development of the European economy.
Today, European wastewater treatment plants consume the equivalent of more than two power plants’ worth of energy every year as well as a considerable portion – about a fifth- of municipalities’ electricity bills. the costs incurred by society ...
Today, European wastewater treatment plants consume the equivalent of more than two power plants’ worth of energy every year as well as a considerable portion – about a fifth- of municipalities’ electricity bills. the costs incurred by society equate to approximately € 2 billion a year. nonetheless, these plants could be producing up to twelve power plants’ worth of efficient, renewable, flexible energy to contribute towards a low-carbon, circular development of the European economy.
The EU co-funded POWERSTEP project, led by research and industry players, has demonstrated a range of full-scale lab-tested innovations for energy positive wastewater treatment. At its heart, the concept is based on the extraction of increased organic matter from wastewater which is converted into biogas and subsequently applied to new or existing plants at a similar cost to conventional treatment, resulting in a reasonable payback time.
A newly released Policy Brief shows that turning wastewater treatment plants into efficient renewable energy generators firmly complements the current goals of strengthening the European economy, coupled with securing its energy system and making a significant contribution to Europe’s international climate and sustainable development commitments. The brief puts forward a set of policy recommendations at the EU level aimed at enabling the full potential of energy neutral or energy positive wastewater treatment plants using the PowerStep concept.
H2020 funded project Hydrousa
A new h2020-funded project HYDROUSA (Demonstration of water loops with innovative regenerative business models for the Mediterranean region) has officially started on 1st July 2018 for a period of 54 months with a total budget of 12 M euros. the project kick-off meeting was held in Athens from 12 to 13 July.
A new h2020-funded project HYDROUSA (Demonstration of water loops with innovative regenerative business models for the Mediterranean region) has officially started on 1st July 2018 for a period of 54 months with a total budget of 12 M euros. the ...
A new h2020-funded project HYDROUSA (Demonstration of water loops with innovative regenerative business models for the Mediterranean region) has officially started on 1st July 2018 for a period of 54 months with a total budget of 12 M euros. the project kick-off meeting was held in Athens from 12 to 13 July. HyDROUSA aims to provide innovative solutions for Mediterranean islands in terms of water/ wastewater treatment and management, which will close the water loops and will also boost their agricultural and energy profile. HYDROUSA goes beyond the current water and wastewater management practices by adopting innovative, nature-based water management solutions for different types of water characterised by low energy footprint. Clear water loops will be demonstrated, recovering added value products, while integrating and interacting with the local market.
These technologies will be demonstrated at six demonstration sites at full scale in three Mediterranean islands (Lesvos, Mykonos and tinos) whereas the transferability of HYDROUSA solutions will be assessed in 25 early adopter cases in Mediterranean coastal areas and islands and at several water-stressed rural or peri-urban non-Mediterranean areas.
The additional services that will be provided with the innovative approaches will lead to a win-win situation for the economy, the environment, and the community. Comprehensive business models will be developed to demonstrate the economic viability of the aforementioned technologies and services as well as the resulting economic benefits from the recovered materials and energy.
Public consultation on the PRIMA annual workplan
The first public consultation on the annual 2020 Work Plan priorities of PRIMA, the Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean, is open until 30 October 2018.
The first public consultation on the annual 2020 Work Plan priorities of PRIMA, the Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean, is open until 30 October 2018. the main objective of the ten-year initiative (2018 - 2028) is to devise ...
The first public consultation on the annual 2020 Work Plan priorities of PRIMA, the Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean, is open until 30 October 2018. the main objective of the ten-year initiative (2018 - 2028) is to devise new R&I approaches to improve water availability and sustainable agriculture production in a region heavily stressed by climate change, urbanisation and population growth. the partnership currently consists of 19 participating countries. It is financed through a combination of funding from participating countries and a contribution from the EU through Horizon 2020.
Optimising irrigation in spanish greenhouses
Sensors and irrigation control systems are a growing solution to manage water use in horticulture. these are proving to be particularly effective in Almería, Spain
Sensors and irrigation control systems are a growing solution to manage water use in horticulture. these are proving to be particularly effective in Almería, Spain where you can find one of the largest concentrations of greenhouses in the world. In ...
Sensors and irrigation control systems are a growing solution to manage water use in horticulture. these are proving to be particularly effective in Almería, Spain where you can find one of the largest concentrations of greenhouses in the world. In this arid area on the south coast, water is a very scarce and expensive resource.
Francisca Ferrer, local tomato farmer, is testing a set of sensors to optimise the fertigation of her plants.
this system was developed in a national project (HORTISYS) which received ERDF funding.
Here the full article.

JPIAMR Call on diagnostics and surveillance
The JPIAMR (Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance) will launch a joint transnational call for proposals for innovative research projects on new or improved diagnostics and surveillance strategies
The JPIAMR (Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance) will launch a joint transnational call for proposals for innovative research projects on new or improved diagnostics and surveillance strategies, tools, technologies and methods. ...
The JPIAMR (Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance) will launch a joint transnational call for proposals for innovative research projects on new or improved diagnostics and surveillance strategies, tools, technologies and methods. These research projects should address diagnosis of AMR infections in clinical and veterinary settings, or the emergence, surveillance, and/or detection of AMR (Antimicrobial resistance) in humans, animals and the environment. The projected call budget is approx. 20 million Euro. Expected timeline:
- December 2018 – Publication of the call;
- February 2019 – Submission deadline for pre- proposal;
- April 2019 – Full proposal invitations sent to project coordinators;
- June 2019 – Submission deadline for full proposals;
- October/November – Final funding decision announced;
- December 2019/Early 2020 – Project start.
LIFE: Commission proposes to increase funding environment and climate action
The LIFE programme is among the EU funding programmes for which the Commission is proposing the largest proportional increase, with a budget of €5.45 billion between 2021 and 2027.
The LIFE programme is among the EU funding programmes for which the Commission is proposing the largest proportional increase, with a budget of €5.45 billion between 2021 and 2027.
The Commission has integrated climate action into all major EU ...
The LIFE programme is among the EU funding programmes for which the Commission is proposing the largest proportional increase, with a budget of €5.45 billion between 2021 and 2027.
The Commission has integrated climate action into all major EU spending programmes, in particular cohesion policy, regional development, energy, transport, research and innovation, the Common Agricultural Policy as well as the EU’s development policy, making the EU budget a driver of sustainability.
To implement the Paris Agreement and the commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Development goals, the Commission proposes to raise the level of ambition for climate financing across all EU programmes, with at least 25% of EU expenditure contributing to climate objectives.
Water wastewater and environmental monitoring conference
The Water and Wastewater Monitoring (WWEM) event is focused on companies and individuals who are involved with water, wastewater and environmental monitoring.
The Water and Wastewater Monitoring (WWEM) event is focused on companies and individuals who are involved with water, wastewater and environmental monitoring.
The WWEM Water conferences are run by industrial/academic groups such as SWIg (Sensors for ...
The Water and Wastewater Monitoring (WWEM) event is focused on companies and individuals who are involved with water, wastewater and environmental monitoring.
The WWEM Water conferences are run by industrial/academic groups such as SWIg (Sensors for water Interest Group), WIPAC (Water Industry Process Automation & Control), the Pump Centre, WMSoC(the Water Monitoring Society), BMSS, the Swan forum and the Royal Society of Chemistry.
the water conferences is a widely focused water exhibition of over 150 companies who provide instruments, equipment and services to monitor, test and analyse water and wastewater plus over 80 free technical seminar sessions on applications and case studies. To register click here.
Woman in water
A growing number of women are entering the UK water industry and taking on a wider range of roles
A growing number of women are entering the UK water industry and taking on a wider range of roles, including senior management positions. to keep this momentum going - and to support women in science, technology engineering & maths (STEM) - British ...
A growing number of women are entering the UK water industry and taking on a wider range of roles, including senior management positions. to keep this momentum going - and to support women in science, technology engineering & maths (STEM) - British Water is hosting Women in Water, an evening event with inspiring speakers and networking opportunities. The event takes place in London on 27 November. Two of the most senior women in the water industry share the stories of their careers, with heidi Mottram CBE, CEo, northumbrian Water - the first woman to take the top post in a major UK water company - and Angela Smith MP, Co- Chair, All Party Parliamentary Water Group - former Shadow Minister for Water. A series of interviews with high-profile panellists will follow, with a drinks reception allowing delegates the opportunity to network with presenters and attendees.
Efficient 2019
Urban water professionals are facing unprecedented pressures.
Urban water professionals are facing unprecedented pressures. Customers demand ever-higher standards of water and sanitation services, regulators impose stricter directives, and shareholders seek better returns from massive infrastructure ...
Urban water professionals are facing unprecedented pressures. Customers demand ever-higher standards of water and sanitation services, regulators impose stricter directives, and shareholders seek better returns from massive infrastructure investments. On top of that, ecological pressures compel water managers to prioritize adaptability and sustainability.
the International Water Association (IWA) Specialist Group for Efficient Urban Water Management will bring The 10th biennial IWA Efficient Conference to Manila, Philippines. the conference will bring together a high-caliber pool of urban water and wastewater professionals to reflect on shared challenges and promote efficient solutions. A simultaneous exhibition will feature some of the most innovative technologies from around the world.
ISMAR (International Symposium on Managed Aquifer Recharge) has been held successfully for 9 series, and this is the first time that the symposium will be held in a Mediterranean country.
ISMAR (International Symposium on Managed Aquifer Recharge) has been held successfully for 9 series, and this is the first time that the symposium will be held in a Mediterranean country.
There are 20 themes and topics envisaged, covering most of ...
ISMAR (International Symposium on Managed Aquifer Recharge) has been held successfully for 9 series, and this is the first time that the symposium will be held in a Mediterranean country.
There are 20 themes and topics envisaged, covering most of the Managed Aquifer Recharge and Water Management Worlds. Deadline to submit an abstract is 10 November 2018.
Aquaconsoil Conference
AquaConSoil is the international conference focusing on the sustainable use and management of soil, sediment and water resources.
Aquaconsoil is the international conference focusing on the sustainable use and management of soil, sediment and water resources. From May 20th - May 25th 2019, the 15th edition will be organized in Antwerp, Belgium. The call for abstracts and the ...
Aquaconsoil is the international conference focusing on the sustainable use and management of soil, sediment and water resources. From May 20th - May 25th 2019, the 15th edition will be organized in Antwerp, Belgium. The call for abstracts and the registration for ACS 2019 are now open. the topics for Aquaconsoil 2019: Soil and water in the digital world; Advances in assessment of risk and monitoring of soil, sediment and water quality; Diffuse and emerging contaminants in the soil-sediment-water system; Advances in remediation technologies; Strategies and management of contaminated land including legal, social and economic aspects.