
Open Course on Science Communication for Water Cooperation and Diplomacy

Deadline for registration: 01 March 2021

This open online course enables you to develop practical skills to confidently engage with the media and effectively communicate your research and professional work. Although relevant to anyone wishing to improve their science communication, the course is most relevant to those whose research is related to water conflicts, cooperation and diplomacy. It uses examples and case studies specifically relevant to those working in the Nile, Brahmaputra and Lake Chad basins and takes account of the particular sensitivities around communicating science in these areas.

Deadline for registration: 01 March 2021

Course fee: Free

For course content and registration please visit the website.

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published on 2021/02/15 10:56:56 GMT+2 last modified 2021-02-15T10:56:56+02:00