
Water JPI Newsletter Online Quality Survey

Seven years after the first issue of the Water JPI Newsletter (1st November 2010) and its renewal in 2016, the Water JPI is issuing a survey to determine the satisfaction level and seeking suggestions on this communication tool. This consultation with the Water JPI Newsletter readers is part of our ongoing improvement process and its objective is to collect the views and analyse the level of satisfaction.
You can contribute to the survey by completing the online questionnaire!

In order to allow us to better understand your position, you are also welcome to elaborate on your answers in the dedicated text boxes included for this purpose. The survey is open until the 9th March 2018. Please note that this survey has been drafted for information and consultation purposes only.

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published on 2017/08/01 11:30:00 GMT+2 last modified 2018-07-16T14:37:19+02:00