
The WaRM-In project: analysing institutional and political contexts

The WaRM-In project. Analysing institutional and political contexts of water resources management projects The 'WaRM-In' project - "Strengthening Integrated Water Resource Management through Institutional Analysis.

An Analytical Tool and Operative Methodology for Research Projects and Programmes" - was funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education (BMBF) from 2010 to 2012. This project provides guidance on conducting institutional and political analysis in the context of water-related R&D projects. The principal product is the IRS Handbook: Analysing institutional and political contexts of water resources management projects. Written primarily for social scientists, the handbook has been composed in a way that makes it both accessible and informative to project managers or others with a natural science or engineering background. The handbook provides an analytical framework to refine projects in both planning and implementation phases, an accompanying methodological guide for utilisation and an appendix of useful research resources.

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published on 2013/06/24 12:18:03 GMT+2 last modified 2018-07-16T14:37:18+02:00