
Release of the SIPE-RTD Web Portal

The SIPE-RTD Web Portal serves as a knowledge brokerage tool, linking EC Policies to European Standards related to (monitoring of) the environment, as well as to EU funded RTD results potentially in support of the development and implementation of such Standards.

The SIPE-RTD Web Portal operates as a ‘switch board’, linking related information that is available in the different communities (Standards, Policy and Research) in a thematic way.

The SIPE-RTD Web Portal offers information on Standards, interlinked with Research projects & results and Policies in the environmental compartments Water & Marine, Air, Waste & Sludge and Soil & Sediments. The conference’s main goal will be the official launch of the SIPE-RTD Web Portal, showing its potential in knowledge brokering with respect to Standards development and implementation. The event will demonstrate the SIPE project’s results and absorb comments from the participants. All interested stakeholders are invited to give feedback on this web portal.

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published on 2014/05/07 11:25:30 GMT+2 last modified 2018-07-16T14:41:11+02:00