Public Surveys for Designing Platforms on Water Related Infrastructures and Mobility Schemes
The Water JPI has identified Mobility and Infrastructures, as other relevant instruments, in order to support the Water JPI community and its network. Mobility actions and research infrastructures can involve capacity transfer of individual persons working or visiting a place, which is not the one they belong to (e.g. foreign Institutes, other sectors), or even the exchange of larger groups (e.g. between research infrastructures). The European Commission already has funding instruments for such actions (e.g. ESFRI or Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions), but the support for mobility of researchers, students and staff from water-related entities, or the access to infrastructures could also be strengthened at all levels if more information were available.
In order to improve the current situation, the implementation of two platforms is planned:
Mobility schemes: this platform will aim to boost the cooperation of the researchers within Europe and beyond as stated in the Water JPI SRIA by providing information on existing mobility funding schemes;
Infrastructures and observatories: this platform will aim to optimize transnational cooperation and competition, access to scientific knowledge, results and activities of existing research infrastructures.
In order to identify the needs of the stakeholders and set priorities for the implementation of both platforms, the two surveys are now available on-line. To help us designing our platforms, please fill out the online surveys for Mobility and Infrastructures by 28 February 2018!