
OpenWater Symposium 2013

The OpenWater Symposium will take place at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) on the 16-17 September (see the programme). This event aims to share experiences on interoperability of new ICT based systems, systems of systems and standards in the water domain.

Several initiatives are currently being undertaken to develop open standards and interfaces under GEO, OGC, OpenMI Association and many research projects around the world. OpenWater will be organised as a series of invited presentations, dedicated workshops, demos and oral/poster presentations.

On a social touch, the symposium will be closed at the Museum of Natural Sciences in Brussels in the form of an "AperoDino" with drinks in the dinosaur's gallery from 17h30, a session displaying videos of scientific projects and initiatives with short speeches from 19h00 until 19h45, followed by a concert of a young talented singer, Kate Carpenter, in duo with a guitarist.

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published on 2013/09/03 11:12:00 GMT+2 last modified 2018-07-16T14:37:18+02:00