Final Conference of IWRM-Net
The second common call of the ERANET focused on integrated water resources management funded six European transnational research projects which have come to a close this year. The projects ClimAware, IMPACT, ICARUS, ESAWADI, WATER-2-ADAPT and Water Cap & Trade
have investigated new solutions for integrated water resources management in Europe under three main themes: climate change and adaptation, water scarcity and droughts, economics and social values for IWRM.
Their results will be presented and analyzed during the final conference of the IWRM-Net scientific coordination project which will take place in Brussels on next 21-22 October at the CSIC Office in Rue du Trône 62. This event will be held in cooperation with the Water Joint Programming Initiative which will launch its first Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda in Brussels in the morning of October 21st at COVE Building, Place Rogier 16.