
CRUE-ERANET contributions to NHESS

The first two CRUE-ERANET contributions to the special issue of NHESS on “Flood resilient communities managing the consequences of flooding” are published on this EGU Copernicus scientific journal.
The first article is titled “Recommendations for the user-specific enhancement of flood maps” and gathered thescientific results

of the research project funded by the second common call of this FP 6 ERANET devoted to research activities on flood risk management.
The second article whose title is FIM FRAME: a method for assessing and improving emergency plans for floods focuses on the development of a methodology to evaluate and improve emergency plans.
Both articles can be retrieved at:

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published on 2012/07/24 15:38:13 GMT+2 last modified 2018-07-16T14:37:18+02:00