
2017 - Improving Ecosystem Sustainability and Human Well-being

The Water JPI held the second Exploratory Workshop on the 2nd – 3rd of November in Dublin. The workshop was focused on the Water JPI Strategic & Research Innovation Agenda Theme 1 – Improving Ecosystem Sustainability and Human Well-being.

The aim of the workshop was to further discuss and develop the RDI needs under the Water JPI SRIA Theme 1. Outputs from this workshop will inform the upcoming SRIA update. Theme 1 of the Water JPI Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda is relevant to the Research Agenda of the BiodivERsA initiative, and therefore BiodivERsA were represented by a Speaker and funded project presentations. 

View the Photo Gallery of our event 
The workshop proceedings report including the Book of Biographies is available here
The 2017 Water JPI Exploratory Workshop Programme and presentations are available below.


2nd November 2017 Workshop Programme

2.30 pm  


Matt Crove (EPA), Ireland


Plenary Session-1
Chaired by: Matt Crowe (EPA, Ireland)


2.35 pm    General Introduction on the Water JPI & Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda Dominique Darmendrail (Water JPI Coordinator, France)

2.40 pm


Scientific Insights on the key RDI challenges in the broad thematic area of the Water JPI SRIA Theme 1

Seppo Rekolainen (Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Finland)

2.50 pm Policy Perspective on the Water JPI SRIA RDI needs within Theme 1 Daniella Bostrom Couffe (UN-WATER, Switzerland)
3.05 pm BiodivERsA: Synergies Henrik Lange (BiodivERsA, Sweden)

3.15 pm


End-Users / Economic Insights on the key RDI challenges in the broad thematic area of the Water JPI SRIA Theme 1  

Teppo Vehanen (EIFAAC, Finland)

3.25 pm Questions & Answers  



Breakout Sessions-1 (4pm – 5.45pm)

Breakout Session-1: Developing Approaches for Assessing and Optimising the Value of Ecosystem Services
Chaired by: Natacha Amorsi (EURO-INBO, France)
Rapporteur: Alice Wemaere (EPA, Ireland)

4.00 pm    Multiple stressor impacts on European surface waters: A synthesis resulting from the MARS project Daniel Hering (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
4.15 pm   DESSIN - Demonstrate Ecosystem Services Enabling Innovation in the Water Sector David Schwesig (IWW Water Centre, Germany)
4.30 pm Questions & Answers  

4.40 pm


Group discussions moderated by the Chair on the assessment of RDI gaps within this area

(using the Water JPI SRIA as the basis)



Breakout Session-2: Developing and Applying Ecological Engineering and Ecohydrology
Chaired by: Andrea Rubini (WssTP, Belgium)
Rapporteur: Margaret Keegan (EPA, Ireland)

4.00 pm      

Insights from SalmoInvade: policy recommendations based on biological and social findings          Jörgen Johnsson (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
4.15 pm Urban Green Infrastructure, Ecosystem Services, and Water JPI RDI Gaps Lena Goldkuhl (WssTP, Sweden)
4.30 pm Questions & Answers  

4.40 pm


Group discussions moderated by the Chair on the assessment of RDI gaps within this area

(using the Water JPI SRIA as the basis)



Breakout Session-3: Managing the Effects of Hydro-climatic Extreme Events
Chaired by: Jens Christian Refsgaard (Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland)
Rapporteur: Áine Murphy (EPA, Ireland)

4.00 pm   Overview of IMPREX - IMproving Predictions and management of hydrological EXtremes Maria-Helena Ramos (IRSTEA, France)
4.15 pm   LIMNOTIP - Biodiversity dynamics and tipping points in our future freshwater ecosystems Martin Kainz (WasserCluster Lunz, Austria)
4.30 pm   Questions & Answers  

4.40 pm  


Group discussions moderated by the Chair on the assessment of RDI gaps within this area

(using the Water JPI SRIA as the basis)


Plenary Session-2
Chaired by: Padraic Larkin (Water JPI Co-Chair, Ireland)

6.00 pm All attendees to review the list of RDI needs from the three breakout sessions and identify their top three priorities
6.45 pm   Close of Day 1 of the Workshop


3rd November 2017 Exploratory Workshop Programme

Breakout Sessions-2 (8.30am – 10am)

90-minute group discussion moderated by the Chair on prioritisation of the identified RDI needs (SRIA Theme 1 and New Needs identified from Breakout & Plenary Session-2)

Plenary Session-3
Chaired by: Padraic Larkin (Water JPI Co-Chair, Ireland)
Moderator: David Murphy (AQUATT, Ireland)

10.30 am   Rapporteur’s Summaries & Discussion  
  •  RDI needs identified from breakout session
  •  Top 3 RDI needs
  •  How the subjects of the three breakout sessions could be considered together?
  •  How to strengthen the Global dimension?
12.00 pm   Panel Discussion  

Panellists include:

  •  UN Water (Daniella Bostrom Couffe)
  •  BiodivERsA (Henrik Lange)
  •  WssTP (Lena Goldkuhl)
  •  Water JPI (Dominique Darmendrail)
12.50 pm   Next Steps Alice Wemaere (EPA, Ireland)
1.00   pm Close of the Workshop  

Document Actions

published on 2017/11/29 08:30:00 GMT+2 last modified 2018-09-04T08:58:12+02:00