
2016 - Closing the Water Cycle Gap


The Water JPI held its first Exploratory Workshop on the 14th November 2016 in Dublin. The workshop was focussed on the Water JPI Strategic & Research innovation Agenda Theme 5 - Closing the Water Cycle Gap - Improving sustainable water resource management. There were 62 attendees during the event.

The objectives of the 2016 Exploratory Workshop were to:

  • Gather relevant experts in the topic, which will present and discuss their findings to other experts and stakeholders (end-users, policy makers and industry)
  • Identify Knowledge Gaps and RDI Needs in that area (Emerging needs / Flexible Fiches)
  • Further elaborate the SRIA RDI Needs

View the 2016 Water JPI Exploratory Workshop Programme & Book of Biographies
View the Photo Gallery of our event
View the Workshop Proceedings.
The programme & presentations are available below.


9.30am Welcome Matt Crowe (Environmental Protection Agency (EPA))

Plenary Session 1 (view master presentation)
Chaired by: Brian Donlon (EPA, Ireland)

09.40am General Introduction on the Water JPI & Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda Dominique Darmendrail (Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR), France)
09.55am Funding Instruments from the JPI Alice Wemaere (EPA, Ireland)
10.00am Water JPI Scientific & Technological Board - Scientific Perspective on the Water JPI SRIA RDI needs within Theme 5 Jaap Kwadijk (Deltares, The Netherlands)
10.20am Policy Perspective on the Water JPI SRIA RDI needs within Theme 5 Dagmar Behrendt Kaljarikova (European Commission - DG ENV) via Video Link
10.40am Water JPI Stakeholders Advisory Group End-Users/Economic Perspective on the Water JPI SRIA RDI needs within Theme 5 Antonio Lo Porto (IRSA-CNR - Water Research Institute, Italy)
11.00am Questions & Answers

Breakout Session-1: Enabling Sustainable Management of Water Resources (view master presentation)
Chaired by: Kristina Laurell (FORMAS, Sweden)
Rapporteurs: Miguel Gilarranz (MINECO, Spain) & Alice Wemaere (EPA, Ireland)

11.45am NETLAKE COST Action: Networking Lake Observatories in Europe Eleanor Jennings (Dundalk Institute of Technology, Ireland)
12.05pm Terrestrial Environmental Observatories (TERENO) Steffen Zacharias (Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research GmbH – UFZ, Germany)
12.25pm Questions & Answers
12.35pm Group discussions moderated by the chair on key knowledge gaps in the area

Breakout Session-2: Regional Perspectives (view master presentation)
Chaired by: Diego Intrigliolo (CSIC-CEBAS, Spain)
Rapporteurs: Graham Leeks (NERC, UK) & Brian Donlon (EPA, Ireland)

11.45am SOLUTIONS for present and future emerging pollutants in land and water resources management Annemarie van Wezel (KWR Water B.V., The Netherlands)
12.05pm RISC-KIT: Resilience-Increasing Strategies for Coasts – toolKIT Ap van Dongeren (Deltares, The Netherlands)
12.25pm Questions & Answers
12.35pm Group discussions moderated by the chair on key knowledge gaps in the area

Breakout Session-3: Strengthening Socio-economic Approaches to Water Management (view master presentation)
Chaired by: Daniel Hellström (The Swedish Water & Wastewater Association, Sweden)
Rapporteurs: Prisca Haemers (IenM, The Netherlands) & Aine Murphy (EPA, Ireland)

11.45am History of water-society relations: A Presentation of lessons learned Terje Tvedt (University of Bergen, Norway)
12.05pm EPI-WATER: Evaluating Economic Policy Instruments for Sustainable Water Management in Europe & ENHANCE project: Enhancing risk management partnerships for catastrophic natural disasters in Europe Carlos Dionisio Pérez-Blanco (Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei, IT)
12.25pm Questions & Answers
12.35pm Group discussions moderated by the chair on key knowledge gaps in the area
2.15pm – 3.15pm

Breakout Sessions (ctd.)

  • 60-minute group discussion moderated by the chair on key knowledge gaps in the area, preparing Overall Summary Fiche on the top 3 knowledge gaps identified, including: Impacts – Challenge – Scope – Relevance to Policy – How to facilitate Knowledge Transfer

Plenary Session 2 (view master presentation)
Chaired by: Padraic Larkin, Water JPI Co-chair

3.45pm – 4.30pm

Review of the Fiches Prepared

  • 5-minute summary by the chairs of the breakout session
  • 30-minute Group discussion
4.30pm – 5.30pm

Round Table Discussion

Panellists include:

  • European Commission, DG Research & Belmont Forum: Panos Balabanis
    • Water JPI: Dominique Darmendrail (ANR, FR)
    • FACCE JPI: Richard Howell (DAFM, IE)
    • Climate JPI: Torill Engen Skaugen (RCN, Norway)
    5.30pm Close of the Workshop

    Document Actions

    published on 2016/11/18 08:30:00 GMT+2 last modified 2018-09-04T08:58:23+02:00