The eighteenth meeting of the Governing Board
The 8th Governing Board was held in Malaga (Spain) on 14-15 April 2016. It was organized around Water JPI Strategy and Implementation activities. It integrated two interactive sessions, allowing the participation of all Governing Board members, around:
i) the future of the Water JPI and ii) the priorities for the 2017–2019 Implementation plan. The implementation issues were discussed through an integrated overview of the different activities performed by the Water JPI as well as the future Implementation Plan which is a roadmap towards implementing the research needs identified on the SRIA 2.0.
The Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda of the Water JPI v2.0 was approved and will be presented during the Water JPI Conference that will take place on 19th May 2016 in Rome (Italy). The Water JPI key achievements (alignment, on the elaboration of a common vision, enlarging the Water JPI partnership, engaging stakeholders, increasing international cooperation, interacting with the European Commission, mapping Water RDI in Europe, funding RDI projects through joint calls and outreach issues) was presented and will be finalized for the upcoming event. This meeting has also been the occasion of exchanges with the Chair of the Scientific and Technological Board on the STB engagement. Suggestions for improving it were discussed and will be implemented in the future when renewing the Advisory Boards.
The GB meeting was held back to back to a workshop on good practices on funding RDI. Actions for overcoming identified difficulties and improving the management of the future Water JPI were discussed during the workshop.