
JPIs launch brochure highlighting key achievements

At the fifth anniversary of the launch of the second wave of Joint Programming Initiatives (JPI), the ten initiatives present a new brochure and factsheets on all JPIs.
The new folder explains the benefits of participating in a Joint Programming Initiative, provides an overview of the governance model and highlights the implementation actions for transnational cooperation. In addition to the general introduction to Joint Programming all JPIs developed a factsheet with an overview of member countries, objectives and key achievements.
The brochure was presented at the Annual Joint Programming Conference on 22-23 November 2016 in Brussels and can be downloaded here.
Joint Programming Initiatives?
Joint Programming Initiatives (JPIs) were launched via European Council conclusions in 2009 with the aim to tackle the Grand Societal Challenges. JPIs are Member State-led, bringing together national research funding organisations, ministries and research councils both in Europe and further afield. This ambition of aligning national programmes, strategies and policies extends beyond the matching of RD&I funds. The alignment process covers various phases, from setting joint objectives and forging a common vision and a Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda between countries to developing appropriate framework conditions and selecting appropriate instruments. After the first four JPIs paved the way, we celebrated the launch of the second wave of JPIs by the Council exactly 5 years ago on 6 December 2011.

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published on 2018/12/07 10:03:18 GMT+2 last modified 2018-12-07T10:03:18+02:00