The 2nd workshop on the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda
This consultative conference took place in Orléans at the BRGM Scientific and Technical Center (France) the 8th and the 9th October 2015. About 40 people, members of the Advisory Boards, the Water JPI and national experts, participated in this workshop.
The organization of this consultative workshop represented one of the milestones of the Water JPI activities supporting the participation of relevant stakeholders and experts in the preparation of the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA). The workshop followed the completion of a thorough analysis of research needs within the water domain and the elaboration of the SRIA 2.0 draft. In this context, the aims of the workshop were: to get some feedback of the content of SRIA 2.0 (themes and subthemes; research needs; research objectives for each of research needs); to prioritise research needs (low, medium low, medium high, high) by taking into account their importance to safeguarding water resources and aquatic ecosystems, improving the well-being of our society and general economic growth and jobs creating; to present international / European initiatives and discuss possibilities of collaboration and of uptake of research and innovation results.
The results of the workshop show that no major changes were proposed, only some suggestions of clustering some points on some research needs and in terms of order of presentation. In addition, besides the 5 themes, it was suggested to emphasize the cross cutting issue regarding data collection in the document. Following these intense discussions, the SRIA will be updated in order to be formally approved by the Water JPI Governing Board in Spring 2016. It will be presented in May 2016 in Roma (Italy) during the upcoming Water JPI conference.