
The Seventh Executive Board took place in Lisbon on 5 February 2014

The meeting started with a short presentation of general characteristics of Estonia concerning water resources given by Ms. Elve Lode of the Tallin University
A representative of the hosting institution presented an overview of RDI evaluation and funding procedures of the Portuguese National Funding Agency for Science and Research (FCT). Discussion points tackled during the third Pilot Call Steering Committee and the second WatEUr Steering Committee held the day before were presented and members of the Executive Board agreed on the decisions taken to implement the pilot joint call and the progress of the six work-packages of the Coordination and Support Action WatEUr.
The Coordinator presented the main aspects of the ERA-NET Cofund instrument and activities and funding arrangements were analyzed to prepare the project proposal answering the open call Water 3 (2014) of the Programme Horizon 2020. It was decided to establish an ad hoc committee integrated by Denmark, Finland, France, Italy, Portugal, the Netherlands, and Spain to cooperate in the framework of the coming workshop on SRIA to be held in Lyon on 3-4 April 2014 to produce topic suggestions for the Horizon 2020 work programme. The draft of the strategic implementation plan for the Water JPI was examined.
The Executive Board was reminded that the current leadership will come to an end by the fifth meeting of the Governing Board, to be held in spring 2015. This will be the first time the Water JPI changes leadership, and a smooth transition needs to be planned.
Jørn RASMUSSEN presented the World Water Forum 2015 (Daegu, Korea) and the European process issuing an open invitation for Water JPI partners to participate.
The Cyprus Delegate provided information about the Fourth Meeting of the Governing Board, which will be held in Cyprus on 28 May 2014 while the 8th meeting of the Executive Board will be held in Oslo on 9 October 2014.

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published on 2018/12/07 10:09:17 GMT+2 last modified 2018-12-07T10:09:17+02:00