
The fifth meeting of the  Governing Board of the Water JPI

The fifth Governing Board was hosted by the Norwegian Research Council in Oslo on the11th and 12th November 2014 and focused on the results achieved in the first four years of the Water JPI and the new governance model to be adopted at short term. The candidacy of France, supported by Spain, Ireland & Italy to lead this intergovernmental initiative for the next two years was greatly welcomed and approved by the delegates. The new President of Governing Board is Maurice Héral of the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche. The coordination of the Water JPI passed from Enrique Playan to Domenique Darmendrail. A warm aknowledgement for the effective work performed by the Spanish leadership was expressed to the representatives of MINECO and in particularly to Prof. Enrique Playan who has followed with extraordinary commitment and skills all the activities of this intergovernmental initiative on water challenges from the beginning in 2008.

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published on 2018/12/07 10:08:09 GMT+2 last modified 2018-12-07T10:08:09+02:00