
The Sixth Executive Board took place in Venice on the Island of San Giorgio Maggiore in the FEEM premises on 10 October 2013

A warm welcome was addressed to the new Water JPI partner Estonia. Discussion points tackled during the second Pilot Call Steering Committee and the first WatEUr Steering Committee held the day before were presented and members of the Executive Board agreed on the decisions taken to implement the common call on “Emerging water contaminants” and the progress of the activities of the work-packages of the Coordination and Support Action WatEUr funded by FP7.
The EB 6 also decided to reappoint the members of the Advisory Boards willing to continue and to re-elect the oldest members at the Governing Board N.5
Interaction with neighbouring institutions, initiatives and prospective partners was discussed together with future developments in Horizon 2020 and the contacts with other JPIs, the EIP on Water and ASEM Water.
A teleconference with two representatives of the European Commission provided more details on the Water JPI perspectives and its implementation plan in the coming years.

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published on 2018/12/07 10:09:53 GMT+2 last modified 2018-12-07T10:09:53+02:00