
On Tuesday May 14, the Water JPI held its third Governing Board in the premises of the Danish Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology in Copenhagen.

The highest body of the Water JPI discussed on consensus on the Strategic Research Agenda, its first version to be adopted by the end of the month, and on the pilot call for research and innovation projects, to be launched in September 2013. (More information will be given on the pilot call in the months to come).
Moreover, progress was shown on the mapping exercise, the JPI cooperation with countries outside Europe and the JPI communication strategy. The coordination team reported on progress achieved since the last meeting in Dublin and planned future actions for enhancing collaboration between JPI partner countries. 
The Governing Board reelected its leadership for the term of two years.

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published on 2018/12/07 10:10:09 GMT+2 last modified 2018-12-07T10:10:09+02:00