
Consultative SRIA Workshops

In our ambition to keep our strategic documents up-to-date, the Water JPI organised several workshops that represent key milestones in the Water JPI process for updating the Water JPI Vision and SRIA documents.

In our ambition to keep our strategic documents up-to-date, the Water JPI organised several workshops that represent key milestones in the Water JPI process for updating the Water JPI Vision and SRIA documents.

The Water JPI Vision document provides context (trends, drivers and challenges) and outlines the JPI objectives and research questions in response to the issues and challenges facing the European water sector. It is an overarching forward-looking document that spans 10 years, outlining what needs to be achieved and providing the context for all other Water JPI activities.

Based on the Water JPI Vision document, the Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda (SRIA) 3 5-year roadmap is developed to guide future water-related RDI measures in Europe and beyond. This includes actions identified for the Water Implementation Plan. To this end, it sets out specific RDI priorities or areas where RDI measures are highly recommended.

Both documents are to be revised in 2019 to support the preparation of the upcoming Implementation Plan.

Read more about the First Consultative Workshop of the Water JPI that took place in April 2014 in Lyon, France.

Read more about the Consultative Workshop on Updating the Water JPI Vision and SRIA that took place in May 2019 in Berlin, Germany.

Document Actions

published on 2019/10/25 14:49:00 GMT+2 last modified 2019-10-25T14:51:54+02:00