
Berlin Consultative Workshop on Updating the Water JPI Vision and SRIA

The Consultative Workshop on updating the Water JPI Vision and SRIA took place on the 22nd of May 2019 in Berlin, Germany.

The Consultative Workshop on updating the Water JPI Vision and SRIA took place on the 22nd of May 2019 in Berlin, Germany. 

This workshop was organised by the Irish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), with the support of the WaterWorks2014 Secretariat, the team at the Project Management Jülich GmbH (PtJ, Germany) and the Water JPI Secretariat and Coordinator, hosted by the French National Research Agency (ANR). It was targeted at the members of the Water JPI Governing Board (GB) and Adisory Boards (ABs) [composed of the Stakeholder Advisory Group (SAG) and the Scientific Technical Board (STB)], to discuss and share their recommendations for updating the Water JPI Vision document and SRIA.

The event was attended by 34 participants, including 20 members of the Water JPI GB (including Technical Advisers) and 6 members of the Water JPI ABs. In total, 19 countries were represented (of the 23 JPI member countries). The workshop included one plenary session and four breakout discussion group sessions. A final plenary session concluded the workshop, with a recap of the breakout discussion outputs, a general discussion and a presentation of the follow-up actions already planned.

To know more about the outcomes, read the Workshop proceedings available here.

Document Actions

published on 2019/10/25 11:19:00 GMT+2 last modified 2019-10-25T16:08:34+02:00