
Water JPI Vision 2030

The Water JPI Vision 2030, “Together for a Water-secure World”, outlines what the Water JPI aims to achieve during the next 10-year period (until 2030) and sets out the roadmap for all Water JPI activities taking into account the main trends, the key drivers and challenges in relation to our water resources.

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The Vision 2030 will reinforce global leadership in water research and foster collaboration to achieve safe, clean and sustainably managed water resources for all. This will be achieved using a multi-faceted and cross-sectoral approach that encompasses policy, environmental, economic, technological and societal considerations.

First in the the Water JPI’s hierarchy of activities, the Vision document provides the context for further activities (i.e. trends, drivers and challenges) in responding to the issues faced by Europe and increasingly at a global level.

This Vision 2030 document includes:

  • an overview of the key water challenges;
  • an overview of water-related policy and recent developments;
  • an overview of key cross-cutting issues, drivers and enablers that drive change and apply across all areas of research;
  • the four key research themes being addressed by the Water JPI; and
  • objectives and indicators to measure the effectiveness of the Water JPI and its activities.

The Water JPI Vision is updated every 10 years. The previous document, Vision 2020, was published in 2011 and has been revised in the context of new developments in Europe, as well as globally, in terms of water policy, the water-related challenges of climate change, urbanisation and population expansion. Pressures such as biodiversity loss, pollution, degradation of freshwater ecosystems, floodplain disconnection and climate change effects are impacting on Europe’s water resource and this needs to be addressed urgently.

The update of the Vision document has taken into consideration the UN SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), the European Green Deal and the development of the future Research and Innovation Framework Programme and Horizon Europe (2021–2027).

Click here to download the Vision 2030 document.

To download the Vision 2030 infographics click here.


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published on 2020/05/19 18:02:00 GMT+2 last modified 2020-06-16T12:05:58+02:00