
Scientific programme

The scientific programme of the conference will consist of keynote presentations, short scientific talks and panel discussions. There will also be thematic sessions such as:

  • “Developing analytical techniques for groups of substances”
  • “Understanding and predicting the environmental behaviour of by-products, pollutants and pathogens”
  • “Developing strategies to reduce pollutants”
  • “Emerging pollutants and their effects on human health”
  • “New water management practices”.

Wednesday 6 June | Conference opening presentation

  • Opening words by Heikki Mannila, President of the Academy of Finland, 
    and Kimmo Tiilikainen, Minister of the Environment, Energy and Housing

Thursday 7 June | Conference closing presentation

  • TBC

Keynote presentations

Keynote speakers confirmed to date:

  • Fiona Regan, School of Chemical Sciences, Dublin City University and Director of the DCU Water Institute, Ireland

  • Barbara Kasprzyk-Horden, Department of Chemistry, University of Bath, UK

Key dates:

  • January 2018: Call for abstracts posted and advertised
  • End of February 2018: Abstract submission closes
  • End of March 2018: Authors notified of acceptance
  • End of April 2018: Scientific programme posted
  • 6–7 June 2018: Conference 

Scientific committee:

  • Dermot Diamond, Dublin City University
  • Steven Eisenreich, Prof. em. Vrije Universiteit Brussel
  • Antonio Lo Porto, EurAqua, European Network of Freshwater Research Organisations
  • Gilles Neveu, EU-INB, EU Network of River Basins Organisations
  • Inmaculada Ortiz, Universidad de Cantabria
  • Teppo Vehanen, EIFAAC, European Inland Fishery and Aquaculture Advisory Commission

Document Actions

published on 2019/02/26 11:22:23 GMT+2 last modified 2019-02-26T11:22:23+02:00