
Global Water Summit 2024

The Global Water Summit returns to London on 15-17 April,  under the theme ‘Security for a Changing Planet.’ In a world shaped by COVID-19, climate change, and a cost-of-living crisis, the water sector faces unprecedented financial challenges.

The Global Water Summit is the flagship water sector event of the year, renowned for its industry-leading agenda and the high concentration of water sector executives that attend each year. It is an unmatched networking and strategy development opportunity for our executive-level attendees, but its goal is not only for the Global Water Summit to be the greatest annual event in the international water industry but to be the best in every category of water event:

  • Water finance
  • Water projects
  • Water strategy
  • Water technology
  • Utility innovation
  • Corporate water strategy
  • Wastewater and the circular economy
  • Desalination and water reuse
  • Digital water
  • Water and climate change
  • SDG 6 for water and sanitation

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published on 2024/03/15 18:08:32 GMT+2 last modified 2024-03-15T18:08:32+02:00