Survey launched by European Commission on Horizon Europe First Strategic Plan
Deadline Friday, 18 September 2020, 18.00 Brussels time
The European Commission has launched a survey on its first strategic plan for Horizon Europe. The survey is part of the strategic planning process, to which the European Parliament, EU Member States, Countries of the European Economic Area (EEA Countries), as well as stakeholders and interested citizens, contribute collectively.
The objective of the survey is to receive feedback on the expected impacts to be targeted by research and innovation within Horizon Europe and the contribution of Research and Innovation (R&I) investments to the EU’s political priorities.
The results of the survey will be used to finalise the Strategic Plan and to precise the impact logic, which will set the direction for to the future Horizon Europe work programmes.
The survey is structured around six Horizon Europe clusters and their expected impacts:
- Health;
- Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society;
- Civil Security for Society;
- Digital, Industry and Space;
- Climate, Energy and Mobility;
- Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment.
To fill the survey, click here.