
EU Water Innovation Conference 2019

  • When Dec 12, 2019
  • Where Zaragoza - Spain
  • Add event to calendar iCal

EUWIC 2019 will be the 5th EIP Water Conference, after Brussels (2013), Barcelona (2014), Leeuwarden (2016) and Porto (2017), and shall build upon the European Innovation Partnership (EIP Water)’s efforts so far to foster innovation in the water sector and overcome the main existing barriers.

The main target audiences of the EU Water Innovation Conference 2019 are high-level representatives of the public and corporate water sector in Europe and beyond. Attendees will include water managers, representatives of water authorities, launching customers (innovation demanders) from the private and public sector (cities, regions and EU Member States), water-using sectors and innovation providers. Furthermore, there will be participants from other sectors related to innovation development, uptake and financing. The conference is free of charge, but registration is required.

A side event on the proposal of European non-institutionalised partnership Water4ALL should take place the 11th of December 2019 to launch discussions with possible stakeholders on the partnership content and expressions of interest.

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published on 2020/07/22 10:34:35 GMT+2 last modified 2020-07-22T10:34:35+02:00