
19th IWA International Conference on Diffuse Pollution & Eutrophication 27 – 31 October 2019 – Jeju, South Korea

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) approved in 2015 identified the importance of promoting sus-tainable water management for safer and resilient cities.
  • When Oct 27, 2019 to Oct 31, 2019
  • Where Jeju, South Korea
  • Add event to calendar iCal

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) approved in 2015 identified the importance of promoting sustainable water management for safer and resilient cities. The 19th IWA International Conference on Diffuse Pollution and Eutrophication (DIPCON 2019) aims to encourage research, disseminate information, and support the development of policies to understand and solve environmental constraints caused by diffuse or non-point sources of pollution. The event programme is available at the following link and for registration please click here.

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published on 2019/09/18 09:41:01 GMT+2 last modified 2019-09-11T10:41:57+02:00