
10 Years of Joint Programming

Event organised within the Austrian Presidency of the Council of the European Union

As part of the development of the next EU Framework Programme (Horizon Europe), the role of Joint Programming Initiatives is under discussion. Based on the experiences of the ten JPIs and their recently presented long-term visions and strategies, the conference will focus on their role and contribution to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and implement mission-oriented programmes in Horizon Europe. The agenda is therefore built upon the following issues:

Reflect the experiences of JPIs in establishing mission-oriented / challenge driven R&I programmes against future requirements of the ERA and Horizon Europe

Position the JPIs has hubs for coordinating the partnership landscape in the respective areas

Present a common position of the ten JPIs regarding the next development phase

Discuss the future role of JPIs in FP9 and with regard to international policies, in particular Sustainable Development Goals

The event, planned in Vienna on 20 September 2018, is targeting GPC, ERAC, European Commission, National Representatives, and Research Organisations. One occasion for the Water JPI Chair to present the Joint Public-Private Action Plan on Water. At this occasion, the ten JPIs will publish a declaration on how to drive research and innovation to address global challenges.

The complete programme available at the following link