
2023 Cairo Water Week

The Cairo Water Week Permanent Secretariat has recently announced the concept note for the 2023 edition.  It will address the theme “Action on Water Adaptation for Sustainability”. In addition to developing solutions, practical tools, policies and concrete measures to support future generations’ safety and wellbeing, the Cairo Water Week has the primary objective of advancing science and knowledge so we can better understand current and future water challenges.

Themes for the 2023 edition:

  • Green water for restoring freshwater ecosystems and adapting to changing climates.
  • Cooperative analysis of River basin scale adaptation and mitigation options.
  • Support co-benefits of water management adaptation actions and economic growth.
  • Improving early warning systems for severe weather events and prolonged droughts.
  • Integration of water resources policies with the national sustainable development vision.

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published on 2023/02/28 18:12:42 GMT+2 last modified 2023-02-28T18:12:42+02:00