
UNESCO - EU H2020 LimnoPlast conference - diving into freshwater microplastic pollution - connecting water, environmental and social sciences

The conference aims to put the urgency of the freshwater microplastic pollution challenge at the centre of the global agenda for sustainable development. With this aim, key messages and conclusions of the conference will be conveyed as Scientists’ Contribution to the 2023 UN Water Conference.


Plastic Pollution is one of the major challenges of the Anthropocene. Freshwater ecosystems are vastly polluted by microplastics, making rivers a major pathway of microplastic emissions to the ocean. The conference aims to put the challenge of freshwater microplastic pollution at the centre of the UN global agenda for sustainable development. Not only will knowledge and innovative solutions, generated by the scientists and Early-stage Researchers supported by the H2020 LimnoPlast project, be disseminated, but the conference will also provide a global discussion platform on action that can be taken by all stakeholders to reduce the freshwater microplastic pollution and its impact on water resources, ecosystems, wildlife and the ocean.

Conference conclusions, key messages and recommendations for policy makers will be a contribution to the 2023 UN Water Conference.

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published on 2022/11/16 15:32:00 GMT+2 last modified 2022-11-16T15:32:00+02:00