
Water Innovation Europe 2022

What is the role of water in the net-zero carbon society?

Water Europe organizes the Water Innovation Europe 2022 with the theme “What is the role of water in the net-zero carbon society?” it will take place in Brussels, June 14th and 15th, 2022.

During the last months, the European institutions pursue to roll out the green carpet for a low carbon and digitalised economy: Healthy soils strategy, Fitfor55, the Next Generation programme. However, what is the role of water when we emerge from the carbon tunnel? Will the green carpet turn blue? It will be too late.

  • Three key legislations are currently under revision in our common house:
  • How can water head a new industrial emissions directive which steers Europe to a strategic autonomy in a net-zero carbon society?
  • How can water turn the urban wastewater management into a resource for local stakeholders with multiple benefits in a net-zero carbon society?
  • How can water – from the pick of our mountains to our costal lines, navigating across the diversity of our wetlands – provide healthy bath hotspots for the benefit of our net-zero carbon society?

Finally, thinking that whatever happens outside Europe will have no impact inside Europe is a tale. We are not in a closed society. The European Union – by the voice of the Commissioner for neighbourhood and enlargement, Olivér Várhelyi, – affirms its support to one of our partner to combat climate change through the achievement of a Water-Smart Society. How so can we outline a water-smart diplomacy of a net-zero carbon Europe?

Check out the agenda here

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published on 2022/05/23 10:55:54 GMT+2 last modified 2022-05-23T10:55:54+02:00