
World Water Forum : A unique platform for the water community and decison-makers

“Water security for peace and development”

The 9th World Water Forum “Water security for peace and development” will take place in Dakar from 21 to 26 March 2022. The ambition of Senegal and the World Water Council is to organize a different Forum, at the social, political and economic levels, a Forum that is a catalyst for action to accelerate universal access to water and sanitation, a Forum that is connected and linked to global agendas and commitments relating to Sustainable Development Goals, the Sendai agreement on natural risks and disasters, the Paris agreement on climate, Africa's 2063 agenda, etc.

The Forum will also be an opportunity for Senegal and the World Water Council to exchange views on the future of water and sanitation, and a contextualized, global and community-based Forum anchored on key water challenges in Africa and around the world.

The 9th edition of the World Water Forum is centred on an integrated preparation based on quality, multi-actor exchanges around a limited number of priorities integrating the previous tools of the processes: thematic, political, regional, citizen.

The "Dakar 2022" Forum will focus on four priorities, namely:

  • Water Security and Sanitation
  • Water for rural development
  • Cooperation
  • Means and Tools including the crucial issues of financing, governance, knowledge management and innovation; four axes that constitute priorities for Africa, but also for the world as a whole.

The process will be led by specialized working groups structured around the 4 priorities. Each working group will be led by Senegal and the World Water Council, and supported by strategic partners (governments, intergovernmental, bilateral and multilateral organizations, financial institutions and non-governmental organizations). The strategic partners should play a leading role from the preparatory process to the organization of the Forum.

9th World Water Forum

Official Programme

Forum Registration

Document Actions

published on 2022/02/15 18:41:24 GMT+2 last modified 2022-02-15T18:41:24+02:00