
Sustainability Research & Innovation Congress 2021

The Sustainability Research & Innovation Congress 2021 (SRI2021) is the world’s first transdisciplinary gathering in sustainability – it will be a space of fierce advocacy for sustainability scholarship, innovation, collaboration and action. The first in an annual series that unites global leaders, experts, industry and innovators to inspire action and promote a transformation in sustainability. SRI2021 will be held virtually and onsite at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre in Brisbane, Australia, from 12-15 June 2021, with activities, networking, training and more. SRI2021 will be a hybrid event, with a diverse and innovative online program alongside onsite participation. SRI is a joint initiative of Future Earth and the Belmont Forum.

Registration for SRI2021 is open! (more info:

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published on 2021/03/15 19:21:57 GMT+2 last modified 2021-03-15T19:21:57+02:00