Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences
- Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences
- 2021-07-25T00:00:00+02:00
- 2021-07-30T23:59:59+02:00
- When Jul 25, 2021 to Jul 30, 2021
- Where Online
- Web Visit external website
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The Irish Freshwater Sciences Association is organising the SEFS12 a Virtual Conference in July 2021 originally planned to take place in Dublin Ireland. There is no doubt that SEFS12 will be a different experience but with the platforms available and creative programme design and promotion, we plan to ‘re-imagine’ SEFS12 and deliver an exciting, welcoming and interactive conference.
A successful Virtual SEFS12 will open up a whole new audience of potential delegates and expand our community, providing an exciting platform and opportunity to communicate our research activities even further afield, as well as allowing for more interesting discussions and side-meetings. Equally, this may herald a new approach to future SEFS events, re-imaging the online element, which will no doubt become more commonplace in future as we try to reduce the carbon footprint related to air travel and in-person events.
We will deliver a typical programme with parallel sessions, special sessions and poster sessions, and also an industry exhibition. We will extend our famous Irish welcome and provide opportunities for network meetings and online social and cultural events. Ireland abounds in a wonderful diversity of freshwater habitats that are an integral part of the island’s rich and varied landscape. Field excursions have always been an important part of the SEFS programme and Virtual SEFS12 will host them in a unique way. We will give delegates an opportunity to join us on virtual fieldtrips to several interesting places, and unlike in-person trips there will be no restrictions on the numbers attending or the number of trips that you may join.