
Water and FACCE JPIs Workshop II

Common Vision and Adapting the Strategies of the Water and FACCE JPIs - 26 September, 2019 – Paris, France

This one-day workshop was organized in the frame of the ERA-NET Cofund WaterWorks2015. It follows the first workshop “Common Vision and Adapting the Strategies of the Water and FACCE JPIs I” (more information: that took place in June 2017 in Bonn, Germany. Members of the Water JPI on “Water Challenges for a Changing World”, FACCE-JPI  on “Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change”, and international experts gathered together to discuss common visions of the two JPIs under the frame of UN-SDGs and investigate the continuity of joint actions (i.e. possible implementation tools) between both JPIs after the completion of the ERA-NET Cofund WaterWorks2015.

After an update on the revision status of the Strategic agendas (SRIA and SRA) of the two initiatives, the participants were discussing in small groups on the following topics:

  1. How to integrate SDGs and climate change across both strategies (SRIA/SRA);
  2. Identify synergies between FACCE JPI and the Water JPI after the end of WaterWorks2015;
  3. Policy impact – how to increase the impact of both SRIA/SRA; and
  4. How to measure the impact of both strategies with common objectives and indicators.

Potential actions and recommendations were suggested and discussed in the proceedings of this 2nd workshop.

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published on 2019/12/23 12:32:00 GMT+2 last modified 2020-10-20T18:08:05+02:00