
AquaticPollutants booklet

The eighteen projects were selected for funding in response to the Aquatic Pollutants joint call on risks posed to human health and the environment by pollutants and pathogens present in the water resources. In total, the projects have 103 applicants involved and will be awarded with 20M€ in requested funding. The projects revolve around three themes:

1: Measuring – Environmental behaviour of contaminants of emerging concern (CECs), pathogens and antimicrobial resistant bacteria in aquatic ecosystems.

2: Evaluating – Risk assessment and management of CECs, pathogens and antimicrobial resistant bacteria from aquatic ecosystems (inland, coastal and marine) to human health and environment.

3: Taking Actions – Strategies to reduce CECs, pathogens and antimicrobial resistant bacteria in aquatic ecosystems (inland, coastal and marine).

The funded projects are listed below.

Project acronym Project Title Coordinator Participating countries
Theme 1
ARENA Antibiotic Resistance and Pathogenic Signature in Marine and Freshwater Aquaculture Systems Italy Belgium, Germany, Spain
FOREWARN Development a smart forewarning system to assess the occurrence, fate and behaviour of contaminants of emerging concern and pathogens, in waters Spain Finland, France, Greece, Ireland
MAPMAR Marine Plasmids Driving the Spread of Antibiotic Resistances Spain Germany, Israel
Dispersal of antIbiotic resistance and antibiotics in water ecosystems and influence on livestock and aquatic wildlife Sweden Spain, Sweden, Tunisia, Uganda
PARRTAE Probing Antibiotic Residues and Resistance transfer in Aquatic Environments Sweden Belgium, Norway, Spain, Sweden
SARA Surveillance of Emerging Pathogens and Antibiotic Resistances in Aquatic Ecosystems Germany France, Israel, Mozambique, Portugal, 
Spain, Sweden, Uganda
SPARE-SEA Environmental Spread and Persistence of Antibiotic Resistances in aquatic Systems Exposed to oyster Aquaculture Germany France, Italy, Spain

Theme 2


Artificial Intelligence-powered Forecast for Harmful Algal Blooms Ireland Czech Republic, Germany, Norway, Portugal, Spain
BIOCIDE Antibacterial biocides in the water cycle - an integrated approach to assess and manage risks for antibiotic resistance development Sweden

Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Norway, Romania, Sweden

CONTACT Consequences of antimicrobials and antiparasitics administration in fish farming for aquatic ecosystems Germany

Brazil, Denmark, France, Israel

PHARMASEA Presence, behavior and risk assessment of pharmaceuticals in marine ecosystems Italy

Germany, Norway, Spain

Theme 3
AMROCE Nanoenabled strategies to reduce the presence of contaminants of emergent concern in aquatic environments Spain

Finland, Greece, Israel, Italy, Norway, Poland

GREENWATERTECH Green Ultrafiltration Water Cleaning Technologies Sweden

Czech Republic, France, Sweden

NANOTHECABA CECs and AMR bacteria pre-concentration by ultra-nano filtration and Abatement by ThermoCatalytic Nano-powders implementing circular economy solution Italy

Denmark, Italy,  Portugal

NATURE Nature-based solutions to reduce antibiotics, pathogens and antimicrobial resistance in aquatic ecosystems Spain

Denmark, Germany, Mali, Portugal

PRESAGE Potential of decentralized wastewater treatment for preventing the spread of antibiotic resistance, organic micropollutants, pathogens and viruses Spain

Brazil, Denmark, France, Germany, Portugal

REWA Reduction and assessment of antimicrobial resistance and emerging pollutants in natural-based water treatment systems Finland

Denmark, Israel, South Africa

SERPIC Sustainable Electrochemical Reduction of contaminants of emerging concern and Pathogens in wastewater treatment plants effluent for Irrigation of Crops Germany

Germany, Italy, Norway, Portugal, South Africa, Spain

Document Actions

published on 2021/10/15 11:26:00 GMT+2 last modified 2022-04-08T17:26:58+02:00