Joint Call 2016 - WaterWorks 2015
In 2016, the Water JPI launched a Joint Call in the frame of the ERA-NET Cofund WaterWorks2015 to support research on the sustainable management of water resources in agriculture, forestry and freshwater aquaculture sectors.
Supported by 25 national / regional funding organisations from 22 countries, this call was co-funded by the European Commission and covered the following challenges:
- Challenge – 1: Increasing the efficiency and resilience of water uses
- Challenge – 2: Monitoring and reducing soil and water pollution
- Challenge – 3: Integrating social and economic dimensions into the sustainable management and governance of water resources
The joint call was launched on the 16th of February 2016.
Note: A procedure intended for coordinators of RD funded projects was developed by the Water JPI for requests of extension of a RD project duration, and is available here
The Kick-off meeting of the projects was held in Stockholm (Sweden) on the 6th April 2017
The online booklet of the funded projects was created in collaboration with the coordinators and the contact points of Communication and Dissemination activities. The booklet gives access a wide range of information for each funded project.
Open Data&Open Access of the funded projects under the 2016 Water and FACCE JPI Joint Call
The consortia of projects funded by the Water JPI 2016 Joint Call should report their activities following the requirements highlighted in the Guidelines on project management (updated June 18th 2020) and using the templates Mid-term Progress Report and the Final Progress Report (updated June 18th 2020).