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<h2 style="padding-top:5px"><span style="color: #ffffff;">12</span></h2>

<h2 style="padding-bottom:5px"><span style="color: #ffffff;">2014</span></h2> </td>
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<td class="acyeditor_text acymailing_content" colspan="2" style="text-align: justify;" >Another year is coming to an end, the fourth since the beginning of our cooperation on water research and innovation. It is also the second year of the coordination and support action <strong>WatEUr</strong>, aiming at tackling the most urgent and relevant water challenges on behalf of the Water JPI. Now it is time to take stock of the activities performed together and we can be satisfied with our first results: We have mapped water research and innovation activities in many member countries, we have a well-structured Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda and an implementation plan which will realise joint actions and initiatives on the thematic priorities identified so far. Our cooperation with countries outside Europe has been strengthened and many stakeholders are interested in closely following the progress of our initiative. This personalized season&rsquo;s greetings card is for all our friends, to whom we wish pleasant and restful winter holidays and a happy new year. Best wishes to all of you from the Water JPI team!</td>

<h2 align="center" style="text-align: center;">EDITORIAL</h2>

<p style="text-align: center; line-height: 115%;"><strong>____________________________________________________________________________________________</strong></p>

<h2 style="text-align: center; line-height: 115%;">PROGRESS ON WATER JPI ACTIVITIES</h2>

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<td class="acyeditor_text acymailing_content" style="text-align: justify" >The final&nbsp; administrative procedures have been completed in preparation for the imminent&nbsp; start of the&nbsp; activities of the new ERANET-COFUND project &ldquo;<em>WaterWorks2014</em>&rdquo; responding to the Horizon 2020 Societal Challenge 5 call topic &ldquo;<em>Stepping up EU research and innovation cooperation in the water area</em>&rdquo;. WaterWorks2014 will contribute to the implementation of the Water JPI, launching a call jointly funded by many partner countries on the topic &ldquo;<em>Developing technological solutions and services for water distribution and measurement, waste water treatment and reuse, desalination, floods and droughts, etc.</em>&rdquo; with a total available budget of 20 M&euro;.<br />
Meanwhile the new French leadership is busy with the renewal of the Water JPI Advisory Boards, to be selected according to the new governance model identified through a consultation of the present Governing Board. The new members of the internal Advisory Boards will be appointed during the next meeting of the Governing Board scheduled for March 2015. Another goal for&nbsp; next year is to enhance international collaboration through the establishment of medium and long-term partnerships with countries outside Europe, who share mutual interests in water research and innovation and are willing to develop synergies with the Water JPI. The cooperation with other joint programming initiatives and EU water related programmes and actions will be also consolidated.<br />
Last but not least a meeting of WatEUr&nbsp; workpackage 3 is scheduled for next 15&nbsp; January in Brussels to start a new round of consultations towards the version 2.0 of the Water JPI Strategic Research Agenda.</td>

<p style="text-align: center; line-height: 115%;"><strong>_________________________________________________________________________________________</strong></p>

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<td style="font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:16px; color:#006699; font-weight:bold; text-align:center">FOCUS ON WATER RESEARCH AND INNOVATION</td>
<td valign="middle"><img alt="Water Beyond Europe II" src="" style="width: 40px;" /></td>
<td colspan="2" style="font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:16px; color:#006699; font-weight:bold; text-align:center">in Norway<img alt="Norway" src="" style="margin-left: 15px; width: 30px; height: 20px;" /></td>

<p class="acyeditor_text acymailing_content" style="text-align: justify;" >The <em><strong>Research Council of Norway</strong></em> (RCN) is the country&rsquo;s only official body for the development and implementation of the national research strategy. The Council is responsible for enhancing Norway&#39;s knowledge base and for promoting basic and applied research and innovation in order to help meet research needs within society. The Research Council also works actively to encourage international research cooperation..<a class="acymailing_readmore" href=";view=article&amp;id=335&amp;Itemid=732">Read more</a></p>

<p style="text-align: center; line-height: 115%;"><strong>____________________________________________________________________________________________</strong></p>

<h2 style="text-align: center; line-height: 115%;">INTERVIEW WITH&nbsp; GRAHAM&nbsp; LEEKS</h2>

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<td width="100"><img src=" leeks.JPG" alt="GRAHAM LEEKS" width="100"/></td>
<td width="5" class="acyeditor_text acymailing_content" style="text-align: justify" >&nbsp;</td>
<td class="acyeditor_text acymailing_content" style="text-align: justify" >Programme manager at the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology for the Changing Water Cycle Research Programme of the Natural Environment Research Council in the United Kingdom and coordinator of WP 4 of the FP7 project WatEUr supporting the Water JPI<br />
<a class="acymailing_readmore" href=";view=article&amp;id=334&amp;Itemid=732">Read his interview</a></td>

<p style="text-align: center; line-height: 115%;"><strong>____________________________________________________________________________________________</strong></p>

<h2 style="text-align: center; line-height: 115%;">THE STATE OF ART IN THE JOINT PROGRAMMING</h2>

<p class="acyeditor_text acymailing_content" style="text-align: justify;" >The&nbsp; High Level Group for Joint Programming in the European Research Area and Innovation Committeee (ERAC) released a biennial report of activities last November. This document available <a href="" target="_blank">here </a>points out the progress of the ten ongoing Joint Programming Initiatives (JPIs) eight of which have adopted a Strategic Research Agenda. Together the JPIs have already launched 25 joint calls or joint actions. The results of the four working groups established in the <em><strong>Groupe of Programmation Conjointe</strong></em>&nbsp; (GCP) to become more operational are also published in this ERAC-GPC report.</p>

<p style="text-align: center; line-height: 115%;"><strong>____________________________________________________________________________________________</strong></p>

<h2 style="text-align: center; line-height: 115%;">RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS</h2>

<h3 class="acyeditor_text acymailing_content" style="text-align: left;" >Assessing the acceptability of irrigation constraint measures for groundwater protection</h3>

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<td width="100"><img src="" alt="irrigation" width="100"/></td>
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<td class="acyeditor_text acymailing_content" style="text-align: justify" >In many arid and semi-arid regions agriculture is the main user of groundwater, causing problems with both quantity and quality, although a few institutional policies and regulations have been introduced. The Foundation of Cassa di Risparmio di Puglia granted a research aiming at involving farmers&rsquo; consortium to accept&nbsp; the institutional policies.<span class="acyeditor_text acymailing_content" style="text-align: justify;"><br />
Therefore, an integrated methodology for enabling groundwater resources management at a local scale was proposed, capable of combining technical, social, economic and behavioral issues.</span></td>
<td class="acyeditor_text acymailing_content" colspan="3" style="text-align: justify;" >Such integration is reinforced by the inclusion of multiple stakeholders, and the adoption of Bayesian Belief Networks (BBN) to simulate and explore their attitude to groundwater exploitation and their responses to protection policies.<br />
A GIS-based decision support system -GeSAP- was developed to integrate BBNs and hydrological system properties, thus allowing the analysis of scenarios concerning the pressure on groundwater due to exploitation for irrigation, and the effectiveness of protection policies, taking into account the level of consensus. The GeSAP tool was applied in Apulia Region (Southern Italy), with the involvement of experts and of regional decision makers, to support groundwater planning and management. The tool was found to be capable of simulating farmers&rsquo; behavior concerning the selection of water sources for irrigation, allowing evaluation of the effectiveness of a wide range of strategies which impact water demand and consumption. The research has been carried out by <a href=";pr=67" target="_blank">IRSA</a>-CNR (Water Research Institute, National Research Council of Italy), IAM-Bari (Istituto Agronomico Mediterraneo) and Polytechnic of Bari.</td>

<h3 class="acyeditor_text acymailing_content" style="text-align: left;" >The Four SedNet Messages</h3>

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<td width="100"><img src=" Four SedNet Messages.jpg" alt="The Four SedNet Messages" width="100"/></td>
<td class="acyeditor_text acymailing_content" style="text-align: justify" width="5">&nbsp;</td>
<td class="acyeditor_text acymailing_content" style="text-align: justify" ><p>SedNet started in 2002 as a Thematic Network on contaminated sediment, funded by the European Commission. Since 2005, SedNet has continued independently with partners from organisations representing science, management and administration. SedNet broadened its scope to cover all aspects of sediment, from the river to the sea.<br />
During the last decade SedNet has organised eight international conferences. Two Round Table events brought together international experts from several European river basins.<br />
Based on this experience and associated discussions, the SedNet core group identified four key messages related to sediment management and these are presented in the brochure &ldquo;Moving Sediment Management Forward&rdquo; available <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>.</p> </td>

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The four key messages can be condensed to one overarching message: Sediments are an integral part of nature and aquatic systems; they are an important resource which needs protection and targeted management. The case studies&nbsp; <a href="" target="_blank">Danube , Elbe,&nbsp; Meuse, Rhine,&nbsp; Venice Lagoon</a> and the case on <a href="" target="_blank">Dredged Material Management</a>&nbsp; exemplify the SedNet key messages.</td>

<h3 class="acyeditor_text acymailing_content" style="text-align: left;" >Restoration of the Mur River</h3>

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<td class="acyeditor_text acymailing_content" style="text-align: justify; vertical-align:text-top" >The Upper Mur River is considered as one of the most ecologically valuable rivers of Austria, being the natural reproduction habitat of the Danube salmon. Financed by different programs supported by EU, national and regional funds, restoration measures have been started in 1997. A Management Plan for the river Mur was developed in 2014 with the aim of regulating the different interests of water management, nature conservation and energy economy. More information on this project is provided <a href=" Studies/Europe/CS_456_MurRiver_Austria_full case.pdf" target="_blank">here</a></td>

<p style="text-align: center; line-height: 115%;"><strong>____________________________________________________________________________________________</strong></p>

<h2 style="text-align: center; line-height: 115%;">DROPLETS</h2>

<h3 class="acyeditor_text acymailing_content" style="text-align: left;" >Mediterranean River ecosystems damaged by human activities</h3>

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<td class="acyeditor_picture" width="100"><img src=" river ecosystems.jpg" alt="Mediterranean river ecosystems" width="100"/></td>
<td width="5" class="acyeditor_text acymailing_content" style="text-align: justify" >&nbsp;</td>
<td class="acyeditor_text acymailing_content" style="text-align: justify" >The on-line newsletter &ldquo;<em>Science for Environment Policy</em>&rdquo; promoted by DG Environment of the European Commission published the results of a research carried out in the Segura river basin focusing on the negative impact of agriculture on the Mediterranean river ecosystems. The whole article is available <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>.</td>

<h3 class="acyeditor_text acymailing_content" style="text-align: left;" >Policy briefing on Europe&rsquo;s water resources</h3>

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<td class="acyeditor_picture" width="100"><img src="" alt="Safeguarding" width="100"/></td>
<td width="5" class="acyeditor_text acymailing_content" style="text-align: justify" >&nbsp;</td>
<td class="acyeditor_text acymailing_content" style="text-align: justify" >The CDP <a href="" target="_blank">report </a>&ldquo;<em>Safeguarding Europe&rsquo;s water resources</em>&rdquo; is based on the analysis of 70 European companies and demonstrates that water will continue to have a profound effect on both short term and long term profitability.</td>

<h3 class="acyeditor_text acymailing_content" style="text-align: left;" >UK study points to future of water management</h3>

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<td width="100"><img src="" alt="UK study points to future of water management" width="100"/></td>
<td width="5" class="acyeditor_text acymailing_content" style="text-align: justify;" >&nbsp;</td>
<td class="acyeditor_text acymailing_content" style="text-align: justify;" >The Environment Agency and the Water Footprint Network carried out a study on the water use in a densely populated region of the UK: the Hertfordshire and North London area. The results are presented in this <a href="" target="_blank">report</a>.</td>

<h3 class="acyeditor_text acymailing_content" style="text-align: left;" >Environmental indicator report 2014</h3>

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<td class="acyeditor_picture" width="100"><img src="" alt="EEA" width="100"/></td>
<td width="5" class="acyeditor_text acymailing_content" style="text-align: justify" >&nbsp;</td>
<td class="acyeditor_text acymailing_content" style="text-align: justify" >This EEA <a href="" target="_blank">report </a>provides another perspective on the green economy transition, addressing the global value chains that meet European demands for goods and services. This perspective is highly relevant because European production and consumption systems rely heavily on imported resources and goods.</td>

<p style="text-align: center; line-height: 115%;"><strong>___________________________________________________________________________________________</strong></p>

<h2 style="text-align: center; line-height: 115%;"><strong>OPPORTUNITIES</strong></h2>

<h3 class="acyeditor_text acymailing_content" style="text-align: left;" >Open call for grants of the European Research Council</h3>

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<td width="100" valign="MIDDLE"><img src="" alt="EuropeanCommission" width="100"/></td>
<td width="5" class="acyeditor_text acymailing_content" style="text-align: justify" >&nbsp;</td>
<td class="acyeditor_text acymailing_content" style="text-align: justify" >at the career stage at which they are starting their own independent research team or programme. This action is open to researchers of any nationality who intend to conduct their research activity in any Member State or Associated Country. The ERC&#39;s frontier research grants operate on a &#39;bottom-up&#39; basis without predetermined priorities. The call &#39;ERC-2015-STG&#39; consists of one call with a single deadline: Tuesday 3rd February 2015 at 17:00:00 (Brussels local time). Details are provided <a href="" target="_blank">here</a></td>

<h3 class="acyeditor_text acymailing_content" style="text-align: left;" >2015 IAHR Awards</h3>

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<td align="center" valign="middle" width="100"><img src="" alt="IAHR" width="100"/></td>
<td width="5" class="acyeditor_text acymailing_content" style="text-align: justify" >&nbsp;</td>
<td class="acyeditor_text acymailing_content" style="text-align: justify" >Members of the international Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research are invited to submit nominations for three awards to be presented at the 36th IAHR World Congress. The deadline is 15th January 2015. More information is available <a href="" target="_blank">here</a></td>

<h3 class="acyeditor_text acymailing_content" style="text-align: left;" >EIP Water Marketplace</h3>

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<td width="100" valign="middle" class="acyeditor_picture"><img src="" alt="EIP" width="100"/></td>
<td width="5" align="left" valign="top" class="acymailing_content acyeditor_text" style="text-align: justify" >&nbsp;</td>
<td align="left" class="acymailing_content acyeditor_text" style="text-align: justify" valign="top">The European Innovation Partnership on water manages a knowledge sharing platform in order to pool expertise and resources by bringing together public and private actors in the water sector at EU, national and regional level, combining supply- and demand-side measures. More information on this platform is available <a href="" target="_blank">here</a></td>

<h3 class="acyeditor_text acymailing_content" style="text-align: left;" >Ten market opportunities for water technology</h3>

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<td class="acyeditor_picture" valign="middle" width="100"><span class="acyeditor_picture" ><img alt="EPA" src=""></span></td>
<td width="5" align="left" valign="top" class="acymailing_content acyeditor_text" style="text-align: justify" >&nbsp;</td>
<td align="left" class="acymailing_content acyeditor_text" style="text-align: justify" valign="top">United States Environmental Protection Agency has identified in its water technology innovation <a href="" target="_blank">Blueprint</a> ten specific market opportunities for technology and institutional innovation as vehicle for economic growth.</td>

<p style="text-align: center; line-height: 115%;"><strong>__________________________________________________________________________________________</strong></p>

<h2 style="text-align: center; line-height: 115%;"><strong>UPCOMING EVENTS</strong></h2>

<h3 class="acyeditor_text acymailing_content" style="text-align: left;" >Nano4Water Workshop</h3>

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<td valign="top" width="100"><img src="" alt="NANO4WATER" width="100"/></td>
<td width="5" class="acyeditor_text acymailing_content" style="text-align: justify" >&nbsp;</td>
<td class="acyeditor_text acymailing_content" style="text-align: justify" >Recent advances in nanotechnology for water treatment will be presented by the Nano4Water cluster funded by the 7th Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. This 5th dissemination workshop will take place in Barcelona on 20-21 January 2015. More information is available <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>.</td>

<h3 class="acyeditor_text acymailing_content" style="text-align: left;" >International Conference on Water Storage</h3>

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<td valign="top" width="100"><img src="" alt="AFRICA 2015" width="100"/></td>
<td width="5" class="acyeditor_text acymailing_content" style="text-align: justify" >&nbsp;</td>
<td class="acyeditor_text acymailing_content" style="text-align: justify" >An event focusing on water storage and hydropower for the development of Africa will be held in Marrakesh, Morocco from 10-12 March 2015. Details are provided <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>.</td>

<p style="text-align: center; line-height: 115%;"><strong>__________________________________________________________________________________________</strong></p>

<h2 style="text-align: center; line-height: 115%;"><strong>CALL FOR PAPERS</strong></h2>

<h3 class="acyeditor_text acymailing_content" style="text-align: left;" >International Water Week Amsterdam</h3>

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<td valign="top" width="100"><img src="" alt="IWW" width="100"/></td>
<td width="5" class="acyeditor_text acymailing_content" style="text-align: justify" >&nbsp;</td>
<td class="acyeditor_text acymailing_content" style="text-align: justify" >The AIWW Conference invites professionals to submit papers for the annual event to be held in Amsterdam form 2-6 November 2015. The call for papers is open until 14 February 2015. Detatil are provided <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>.</td>

<h3 class="acyeditor_text acymailing_content" style="text-align: left;" >Water Resources Management 2015</h3>

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<td valign="top" width="100"><img src=" Resources Management 2015.jpg" alt="Water Resources Management 2015" width="100"/></td>
<td width="5" class="acyeditor_text acymailing_content" style="text-align: justify" >&nbsp;</td>
<td class="acyeditor_text acymailing_content" style="text-align: justify" >The eighth international conference on sustainable water resources management will take place in Spain next 15-17 June. A call for papers is now open for contributions. For more information click <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>.</td>
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<td colspan="2" style="vertical-align:top">____________________________________________________________________________________________________________</td>
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Document Actions

published on 2018/06/29 12:12:47 GMT+2 last modified 2018-06-29T16:42:07+02:00