
Labirinto d'Acque International Conference

The University of Parma, in cooperation with the United Nations Commission for Hydrology of the World Meteorological Organization, World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP) of UNESCO, Italian National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research and Po River Basin District Authority announced the first edition of theLabirinto d’Acque International Conference that will be held at the Labyrinth of Franco Maria Ricci near Parma on the occasion of the UN-Water World Water Day celebrations. The international leading actors will be recurrently convened in the labyrinth to address the challenge of the century: the Global Water Crisis and its Connections with Climate Change, Sustainability, Innovation. The conference will be followed by three days of cultural events open to the public that represent the ItalianThe conference will be followed by three days of cultural events open to the public that represent the Italian focal poin for the UN Water World Water Day celebrations