
AquaticPollutants Special newsletter

Three European Joint Programming Initiatives (JPIs) – Water JPI, JPI Oceans and JPI AMR – prepared a joint newsletter about the ERA-Net Cofund AquaticPollutants latest activities.
On this special newsletter issue you will find articles about :

  • the midterm meeting in Madrid;
  • communication and dissemination activities;
  • the PhD forum: supporting early career scientists;
  • an interview with Orly Spivak, coordinator of the PhD Forum.

There is also a list of the partner countries in the cofund, the 18 research projects’ Who is Who, the AquaticPollutans flyer to download and a video where coordinators talk about the ongoing projects.

Click here to access the online version of the AquaticPollutants newsletter

And here to subscribe to receive the WaterJPI newsletter.

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published on 2023/07/05 16:06:00 GMT+2 last modified 2023-07-11T09:40:07+02:00