
Third Alignment Workshop

The Water JPI held its third Alignment Workshop on the 4th of April 2017 in Stockholm. 

The workshop focussed on understanding what alignment means, planning how to progress alignment using the Thematic Annual Programming instrument and also exploring how Mirror Groups can help to progress alignment nationally. There were 29 attendees at the event.
The objectives of the 2017 Alignment Workshop were to:

  •  Share good practices
  •  Exchange views on specific alignment instruments
  •  Identify the current situation & goals / targets regarding alignment
  •  Progress Case Study 1 “Identification of RDI needs / Discussion of mechanisms for TAP”
  •  Progress Case Study 2 “Review of findings from the 2nd Case Study”.

View the 2017 Water JPI Alignment Workshop Programme & Attendees 

View the Photo Gallery of our event

View the Workshop Proceedings Report.

Download the Report on the Mirror Groups Case Study

The presentations are available to view below.



9.00am:    Welcome Dominique Darmendrail, Water JPI Coordinator / Chair (ANR, FR)

Plenary Session 1 (view master presentation)
Chaired by: Padraic Larkin (Water JPI Co-Chair)

9.10am: Where are we at within the Water JPI?  Padraic Larkin (Water JPI Co-Chair)
9.30am: What is alignment? EC’s perspective Panos Balabanis (DG Research & Innovation)
9.50am: What is alignment? GPC’s perspective Leonidas Antoniou (Chair of GPC)

Sharing of good practices (Review of toolbox) – Mirror Group Survey Alice Wemaere (EPA, IE)

10.30am: How to do Alignment?   Michael Dinges (ERA-LEARN)

Questions & Answers after each Speaker

Round Table Discussions

Rapporteurs: Maja Kolar (AEI / MINECO, ES), Rui Munhá (FCT, PT) & Anna-Maria Christoforou (RPF, CY)

11.15am:    How to measure progress in alignment?
12.45pm: Short Summaries per round table provided by the Rapporteur

Plenary Session 2
Chaired by: Padraic Larkin (Water JPI Co-Chair)

2.00pm:    Water JPI TAP Instrument Alice Wemaere (EPA, IE)
2.15pm: Lessons learned from FACCE TAP Heather McKhann (FACCE JPI)
2.35pm: Presentation of the TAP Survey   Áine Murphy (EPA, IE)

Questions & Answers after each Speaker

Round Table Discussions

Rapporteurs: Áine Murphy (EPA, IE), Margaret Keegan (EPA, IE) & Kristina Laurell (Formas, SE)

2.45pm:    Select RDI Themes
TAP model – Expected Outputs and how can we measure impact? (Indicators)
Funding Models, Timing, Barriers
4.00pm: Short Summaries per round table provided by the Rapporteur

Plenary Session 3
Chaired by: Padraic Larkin (Water JPI Co-Chair)

4.15pm: Declaration of Interest from funders Padraic Larkin (Water JPI Co-Chair)
5.15pm: Close of the Workshop

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published on 2014/11/14 12:17:00 GMT+2 last modified 2018-09-03T10:27:29+02:00