
Workshop on International Cooperation in the Danube Region

Within the frame of the IC4WATER Project, the Water JPI held on 5th November 2020 an online workshop on international cooperation in the Danube region.

The objective of this workshop was to strengthen cooperation with the Danube Region as a way to respond more effectively to existing and emerging water challenges in the area.  By exchanging with international initiatives and governmental institutions of the Danube region interested in RDI joint activities, the workshop aimed at developing the Water JPI international network in this region, collecting views from regional initiatives and countries, exchanging on priority areas and synergies with the Water JPI, proposing models for further cooperation and possible types of actions.

The workshop, introduced by the European Commission DG Regio, was attended by 28 participants representing international initiatives (Danube Strategy Point, International Commission for Protection of the Danube RiverBlack Sea Commission, DANUBIUS Research Infrastructure, Danube transnational Programme, Danube INCO Net), Water JPI partners, and scientists working on the Danube River.

The participants identified

  • thematic synergies with the Water JPI research agenda (e.g. micropollutants, nature-based solutions, climate change effects on the hydrological cycle, water quality and water quantity)
  • additional needs (e.g. harmonization of data collection and irrigation, water scarcity).
  • activities of common interest (e.g. participation of young researchers, mobility actions, capacity building, peers-learning)


Download the Workshop Programme

Download the Workshop Master Presentation