
Workshop 3 IC4 Water Towards a Common Strategy on International Cooperation 2020

Water Joint Programming Initiative Workshop on “Towards a Common Strategy on International Cooperation”, took place on the 26th May 2020 as a virtual workshop.

There were 45 attendees for this online workshop, from 25 countries. The attendees represented: 19 initiatives/networks.  The workshop was hosted by the Irish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and was the third workshop in a series of three workshops targeted peer-EU initiatives, designed to elaborate a strategy with other relevant EU and international initiatives on international cooperation in the context of research, development and innovation activities.  The  opening introduction given by Dominique Darmendrail (ANR), Water JPI Coordinator and followed by two keynote presentations from Panos Balabanis (EC DG Research) on the proposed Water4All Partnership and Effie Amanatidou (ERALearn) on Impact Assessment. Examples of International Cooperation Strategies were provided by the JPI Ocean and the JPI Urban Europe. Finally, the BELMONT forum, Canada and South Africa covered possible opportunities for collaboration with the Water JPI. Three afternoon breakout sessions took place, key questions were discussed:

  1. Target Audience of the Strategy
  2. Aims of the Strategy
  3. Structure of the proposed Common Strategy &
  4. Proposed Objectives.

More information is available from the Water JPI website.