
Water4SDGs first line of output activities under the IC4WATER CSA

Knowledge Hub’s policy brief “New Water under Scarcity: Integrated Solutions to Accomplish Water Related UN SDGs” is available online

The 2nd Water JPI Knowledge Hub, Water4SDGs has published a new policy brief, which is covering summaries of 11 state-of-the-art research projects coordinated by the Knowledge Hub experts and 5 key messages that can help decision makers (ministries, municipalities, basin managers, water operators, urban planners, irrigation associations, etc) to make informed decisions for the design and implementation of sustainable water management policies. The Policy Brief calls for action to address water scarcity challenge by applying “new water” solutions. Here, “new water concepts” refer to a range of solutions for improving water efficiency capacity; including reuse, recycling, treatment, water saving, stormwater management, rainwater harvesting, as well as tools for good governance. The key messages of the Policy Brief are summarized as follows:

  1. Understand interactions, challenges, trade-offs and opportunities around UN SDGs and water scarcity through stakeholder mapping and engagement.
  2. Leave no one behind without access to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services by any means possible, including cost-efficient solutions at local or household level.
  3. Give priority to equitable, resource-efficient, demand management solutions to decouple water use from economic growth.
  4. Implement climate-smart applications with multiple benefits to mitigate the effects of climate change.
  5. Monitor the progress and uptake the best-practices with Living Lab applications that allow for user centred research and innovation processes with public-private-people partnerships.

Download the full document and infographic that summarizes the policy brief.