
Water4All Partnership Candidate for Horizon Europe – Launch of partners consultation

Water4All is one of the eight European Partnerships proposed under Cluster 6 «Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment» of Horizon Europe, the future Research and Innovation Framework Programme. The European Commission has published the detailed document presenting the Partnership candidate following an ex-ante evaluation of the criteria for establishing a Horizon Europe Partnership.

Two partnership workshops took place in May 2020: a workshop with NCP on 22/05/2020 and another workshop with other partnerships on 28/05/2020.

In order to progress on the preparation of the following step, the Water4All Drafting Group has initiated discussions with Member States, National Contact Points and close Partnership candidates under development.  It has launched a consultation of the possible partners for further develop the Partnership candidate.

Next important Milestone for all Partnership candidates and Water4All: the commitments of Member States and corresponding actors by end of September 2020 for all Partnerships planned for 2021 – 2022 Work Programmes of Horizon Europe. To read more, please click here.