
Water JPI on the Bluetech week

Blue Tech Week BTW2020 is the annual event where hundreds of international participants gather in San Diego to highlight collaboration and innovation. Organized by TMA Blue Tech, each year, Blue Tech Week brings together companies, institutions, and policymakers.

For its 12th annual Blue tech week, the overall theme was “AquaOptimism™, BlueTech & SDGs”. The UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals and its plan of action for people, planet and prosperity guided this 12th Blue Tech Week. TMA BlueTech also embraces the idea of AquaOptimism™ - to think positively about the future of our water systems and provide forward thinking solutions to the current problems.

The different panels focused on innovation, collaboration, globalization and sustainability to bring together academia, government, and industry. The event showcased innovative companies from around the world bringing Ocean and Water solutions to a variety of markets.

This year, it was held virtually. The Water JPI participated to two panels, one on the Starfish Mission of Horizon Europe, and the other one about Funding Opportunities for Water Tech.

For the Funding opportunities, the 230 people who attended virtually the event had the opportunity to ask questions about funding innovation, public-private partnerships, technology transfer and capacity building. Water JPI stressed that multidisciplinary approaches are important to build the future, and that training people to grasp these approaches is essential for our future and AquaOptimism™.

 Bluetech Week - Funding Opportunities for Watertech

Bluetech Week - Véronique Briquet-Laugier