
Preparing future actions on Aquatic Ecosystems and biodiversity

The BiodivRestore ERANET COFUND proposal was submitted the 13th of February 2020 to the European Commission, after a preparation process started a few months ago following the publication of the 2020 Work Programme of Horizon2020 in July 2019.

Addressing the topic of “Conservation and restoration of degraded ecosystems and their biodiversity, including a focus on aquatic systems”, it is pooling resources from 34 funding agencies from 27 countries from Europe & other continents.

In addition to the Co-funded joint call for research proposals, the BiodivRestore Cofund Action envisages i) one additional non-Co-funded joint call (which could take different format, including a TAP - thematic annual programming),

ii) supporting networking and clustering activities with other relevant projects to allow for cross-projects collaboration, and

iii) consultations, experience and results sharing along with joint activities on cross-cutting issues.

BiodivRestore should contribute to reinforce the links between BiodivERsA and the WATER JPI, to enhance their collaboration for issues at the crossroad of water resources, aquatic ecosystems and biodiversity sustainable management