
Horizon 2020 - Research & Innovation Projects relevant to Water research

The European Union, through successive framework programmes for research and innovation, is supporting collaborative R&I projects in the area of water. Projects span from fundamental research to innovation actions including pilots and demonstration cases as well as training and capacity building activities.

The present document aims to provide a quick overview of relevant projects2 co-funded by the European Union in different areas of Horizon 2020 for the period covering 6 years of implementation, from 2014 till 2019. Without pretending to be exhaustive, the current publication includes the description of 255 water relevant projects that will mobilise a total budget close to EUR 1,235 million, of which EUR 1,008 million as EU funding.
This presentation is structured around eight main thematic areas: freshwater and aquatic ecosystems, global water cycle, water management, water and people, water and agriculture, water and industry, water and energy and water governance.
Projects are assigned to different areas in accordance to their main objectives, grouped per topic and then sorted in descending order per project number. However, due consideration should be given to complex and integrated projects with multiple objectives connecting different thematic areas. Clear examples of crosscutting actions could be seen in projects addressing the nexus water-food-energy-climate or synergies between industry and the urban water sector.

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