
Water Europe launches Online Public Consultation

Water Europe is pleased to launch an online public consultation whose results will be used to finalise the document that aims to support those who are engaged and responsible to develop contents and mechanisms of the European Green Deal and Horizon Europe, to identify the key water-related research and development needs.

Water security is an integrated part of all major challenges and opportunities for Europe to lead the way towards a sustainable future, as targeted by the European Commission’s new Green Deal policy. Water Europe is currently developing a new publication titled 'Water Europe contributions to the European Green Deal and Horizon Europe' to stress how the WE Vision and SIRA relate to and feed the renewed European strategies and policies, with a strong focus on the European Green Deal and the Horizon Europe.

Water Europe is pleased to launch an online public consultation whose results will be used to finalise the document that aims to support those (EC and other EU Institution officers, researchers and innovators from private and public organisations, NGOs and CSOs, MS committees and advisory boards) who are engaged and responsible to develop contents and mechanisms of the European Green Deal and Horizon Europe, to identify the key water-related research and development needs.

Water Europe invite all the water sector’s stakeholders to have their say on the document by providing their valuable feedback until May 18, 2020.

Water Europe's new publication will be launched at the digital edition of Water Innovation Europe 2020 conference, 22-26 June 2020.

The contact point for questions related to the public consultation is Mr. Andrea Rubini, Water Europe Director of Operations.

Click here to start the questionaire.