
2019 Workshop for Experts on “COMMON VISION AND ADAPTING THE STRATEGIES OF THE WATER AND FACCE JPIS”, Paris, France 26 September 2019

This workshop was organized in the frame of the ERA-NET Cofund WaterWorks2015. It follows a first workshop that took place in June 2017 in Bonn, Germany. The key objectives of this second workshop were to: (i) strengthen the linkages between Water and FACCE JPIs, and (ii) identify gaps and synergies between the Water JPI SRIA and FACCE JPI SRA.

LOGO_JPI_WATERCOPYRIGHT.JPGThis workshop was organized in the frame of the ERA-NET Cofund WaterWorks2015. It follows a first workshop that took place in June 2017 in Bonn, Germany. The key objectives of this second workshop were to: (i) strengthen the linkages between Water and FACCE JPIs, and (ii) identify gaps and synergies between the Water JPI SRIA and FACCE JPI SRA. Also, this workshop was an opportunity to investigate the continuity of joint actions (i.e. possible implementation tools) between both JPIs after the completion of the ERA-NET Cofund WaterWorks2015.

foto1.JPGIn total, 27 participants from all over Europe and beyond met in Paris, France, to discuss and network. The morning session started with an update on the revision status of the Strategic agendas of both Initiatives (SRIA and SRA) and attendees were invited to provide feedback.

This was followed by a presentation of the OPERA project, funded under the 2016 Joint Transnational Call implemented under WaterWorks2015. Attendees had an opportunity to learn about its outcomes as an example of a successful joint collaboration between the Water and FACCE JPIs. In the afternoon, two parallel sessions took place where participants could share experiences, exchange knowledge and views. The topics of the sessions were namely a) How to integrate SDGs and Climate change across both Strategies (SRIA/SRA), b) Identify synergies between FACCE JPI & Water JPI after the end of WaterWorks2015, c) Policy Impact – How to increase the impact of both SRIA/SRA, and d) How to measure the impact of both Strategies (Identify joint SMART Objectives & Indicators).

The minutes of the workshop will be available soon on both Water JPI and FACCE JPI websites. The organizers would like to thank the participants for the lively discussions and are looking forward to future collaboration.